Why are 40 man premades aloud to que into pug bgs?

wtf blizz
wtf wtf wtf wtf


People aren’t in 40-man groups. They just click the queue button at the same time.


Nothing about random bgs entitles you to random opponents.


I’m sympathetic toward these premade communities because Blizzard doesn’t allow you to Q with any more than just 5 people in these large scale BGs and a lot of these players are just out for a good time and they’re decent people.

Its also 1 of the only ways to ensure you can turtle the game and hold certain choke points, because a lot of players Q’ing into epic either:

  1. Don’t even know the map or what they’re suppose to do
  2. Only join because they’re on a fresh character and they want easy honor from playing semi-AFK while watching youtube and contribute little to nothing to the fight
  3. They’re only Q’ing up for their daily honor/conquest bonus and don’t care about being there

that being said; there are also a lot of degenerate losers involved in these premade communities. for example these guys will actually have separate accounts where they have a character on the opposite faction in that EPIC BG just for the purpose of monitoring the chat to relay the reactions to their team. I get it, if you’re crushing the other team you want to see what they might be saying and what the chat looks like.

I know exactly how these people operate and some of the stuff being said in voice. It’s very oppressive. They get off on that. The fact is a lot of these guys aren’t very good at the game and when they Q for non epics they get destroyed by other premades in the 10 - 15 player BGs


And drop queue if they don’t get the same queue pop. And then try again.

They’re circumventing the 5-person premade limit to gain an unfair, competitive advantage over the other team.

Pugs want a good time too. They’re decent people. They’re also the ones abiding by the rules and the spirit of fair competition.




And the reason they do it is because they want to play with others that will actually work together.


The barrier to entry is low for these communities. They are very very inviting, basically all you have to do is ask. Some even post the link right in BG chat as soon as they join. I don’t think this is really circumventing so much as rewarding people for trying to work together.


On the other hand the rated community has strict guidelines to join and many have an expectation of previous success. Not the easiest to get in for first timers.


We’re not concerned about the pugs on the same team. We’re worried about the pugs on the other team. The ones getting roflstomped by the premade raid.

Hmm… It really is just circumventing the 5-person premade limit. And I guess they get rewarded for cheating.

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It’s not cheating to play with friends.


People crying about people voice queuing are like those methed up hobos screaming about the apocalypse while everyone else just goes about their day.


Except of course the 5 man limit Blizzard imposed, that 40 man pugs circumvent. 5 from guild absolutely. 10 from guild…maybe 15 from guild getting improbable. 40 from same guild in multiple games? Yea…not happening


Can I be your friend?

Most games don’t get more than 15. Pretty much handicapping yourselves against even halfway competent people. It’s extremely rare to get 35 or 40 people all on discord in the same game.


Premades have always been part of the game and they’re not going anywhere no matter how many times people run off to the forums to complain.


I’m pretty sure larger premade communities have figured out ways to get more groups into the same games.

For example, queue 16 groups together. When 6+ groups get the same queue pop, they join the game and maybe move to another Discord channel.


I’m pretty sure they haven’t. I can count on half of a hand how many times I’ve gotten a premade into a bg with more than 15 in the past 2 years.

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I guess I must be really lucky/unlucky?

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You must be.

Hence why I said it’s exceedingly rare to get more than 15 into the same bg.

It’s not hard to specific q for a bg. it’s hard qing for random epics to sync that many people. unless it’s during the day when nobody is qing