Why Anniversary Sucks

For starters i’ve played every official version of classic blizzard has made so far (aside from Hardcore) 2004, 2019, SoM, SoD, and now Anniversary and this is by far the worst. There are a lot of reasons why its so terrible, and I can go into more detail if requested, but im going to keep it fairly simple for now and just highlight a few of the issues that make this “not classic like”.

Lets start with PvP, mostly because its my favorite part of classic content. This is a bit of a nuanced issue however and is really a player issue more than a design flaw, but it certainly impacts enjoyment.

The new honor system on paper is fine. The oldschool r14 grind is horrible and no one should be subjected to 100+ hours a week to be competitive in an enveiornment that forces you to fight your own faction more than the opposing one. That said it convinces casual players and non-pvpers to participate, and for them AV is the option, without the requirement for a ranking mafia dictating the meta, WSG, and in the future likely AB are dead in the water, which is something we saw in SoD, the ability to afk your way into gear, removes any sort of BG pvp experience, even for the sake of enjoyment and takes a in my eyes pivitol part of the classic experience out.

Next issue is server size. Server are way too big, I understand how mega servers make the game “easier” when it comes to leveling or finding groups for content, but they entierly destroy the social aspect that makes classic so good. The servers are too large for the social contract to have any impact, and the fact I don’t instantly recognize people in the open world or BGs, is really lame. Having a bounty network and healthy amount of trash talk between “ususal suspects” makes the game so much better, in 2019 for example not only did I know every single fellow alliance ranker, I knew every horde that even touched a BG on my server. That was fun.

Botting / gold costs and the mafias that control them. Again this is partially a player count issue, the resources in the game even with 7 layers aren’t comparable to the demand, and even if they were supply for mining nodes / black lotus, ect is limited in so far that node respawns are camped and time gated, leading to absurd prices. Another massive issue here is that MOST (not all) gold farms have been nerfed, even raid gold drops have been nerfed to SoD levels, leaving it very expensive to gather the required consumables for raid, this in my anecdotal experience of just talking to friends or fellow raiders has encouraged swiping far beyond the scope of what GDKPs did.

Raid prep is expensive but parsing doesnt matter. Aside from the fact we have done this 10+ times now, parsing is worse than its ever been, with reduced look aqquisition due to timeline coupled with expensive or overfarmed materials, parsing is even more of an RNG crapchute than normal.

I understand that this is TBC waiting room, but if that is the case why isn’t there some QoL, right now its just raidlog simulator, basically 2 active warsongs open and most of those are people wargaming in the PvP discord which at least for NS, is pretty inactive.

Guess i’ll just go greif people in Wpvp because thats about the only fun content in the game rn.


Cool story bro. Coulda used a vampire though.

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It has one, Blizzard sucks the lifeblood out of anything it touches.


I agree, Anniversary is a far cry from the original experience but it is an anniversary, mega server structure has everything in the AH so a lot of the items are more available, pvp ranks are similarly more easy to come by thanks to queue times.

the culture seems to be the main problem, I feel I can just play in this game mode and don’t need to jump in the discords and download the addons, wow shouldn’t be something to freak out about but I dunno maybe this is just me but people treat it like a college degree and wave it around like their PhD and it’s like wow where did this come from

from a old old perspective of played WoW in the halcyon days of ‘my eq server is down’ I can say it feels like the weird corner lurkers now run the show and demand that we all crouch down and admire their pebbles when the rest of us are just looking for that section of the raid where the boss music kicks in and finding ways to summon druids in swimform


Immediately get a boost of motivation every time Molten Core soundtrack shifts to the epic parts.

See? that feeling is why I come back to WoW, stacking consumables and buffs feels like putting on a jacket that is too big for me cause mom is scared of the cold.

Also gotta say, even with mega servers, the jerks sitting in town all day become recognizable heh

yup :expressionless: shamiversary is garbo

funny how i predicted this would be the only fun thing to do lol :expressionless:

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man we were all guildless in here, way to ruin the thread. READ THE ROOM, ruins the layout entirely.

Review the forum discord for etiquette guidelines

Yep. Server is low T.

Mega servers of this scale are terrible.

They should just scrap it and imo, try a few servers with maybe 2019 pop sizes, and add “custom rule sets” to them and let people choose. Based on “popular demand”


this :expressionless: one without world buffs in raids maybe…

Come Q up for AV on Era! Its poppin!

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Why would I ever want to go play AV.

because its not a zerg to drek or kek / van or bust AV meta.

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If only they had given 1.7 AV. Now that would be truly epic and unique.


See, this is the kind of things that people REALLY would like to change… This is the exact kinda thing they should have done but instead… “lolletsputindualspecbecausethatwillfixit”


Maybe I am just being selfish as a healer main but I love dual spec. I honestly don’t see a downside with the way they have implemented it. I understand it’s not true to the original so I get that argument, besides that however I don’t see the problem.

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WSG honor just needs to be rebalanced to be better than AV, or harsher penalties on AV AFK’ers. This is also not just a casual problem. You can pay $$ for other players to afk AV for you. Many players are doing this.

My experience is completely different. When I was doing wsg, I knew the premades. I recongized every druid FC on the enemy team. on horde I know all the big crafters that haver every recipe, still know all the raiding guilds. The community feels the exact same to me.

Yeah their goal to remove “dead layers” has consequentially made it harder to farm gold out in the world. The normal amount of layers is 3-4 on anniv now, so bots also can overpower farm spots really easily. The world 100% feels more alive… but also people who play this mmo want to farm like its a single player game. This is a non-issue on dead era servers, but its just more people = farming outside of instances is harder

At least parsing is not part of the game. It’s a 100% optional player-made issue. Meta-minds have made the classic experience worse. I like seeing big parses though.

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Come pump on Era during BG weekends. It’s been a blast this month, almost everyone is there to play and few are afk.