Why Anduin is one of the main characters in TWW?

Erevien each day sounding more like SOtN dracula.

He’s been a main character of every expansion since Legion, with the sole exception of Dragonflight. A feat unmatched by any other character that I can think of.


Because I am bitter and do no longer trust Blizzard not to slander the Horde as they seem fit all the time.

Because, as others have more or less said, he’s the main character of WoW.


That’d be a bad idea… which makes me worry we might see it happen.

I think you’re onto something there. He’s making Anduin tread the same story beat with the Light that Thrall did in Legion with the Elements (though Thrall’s was due to his choices, Anduin’s wasn’t).

Then cut your losses and stop playing.


Fan fiction…

just give it a shot. Go write that ideal Horde fiction you crave. Even if no one else likes it or agrees with it, as long as it is something you enjoy reading then that will be something no one can take from you.


Worth considering. A lot will depend on whether my guild gets more active again. And one of my friends has been liking the Remix, see if he becomes active again.

If not, what is out there? Except for a hiatus during BfA, I’ve only ever played WOW. Could go back to ESO. (SWOR isn’t available for the Mac.). Is New World still a thing.

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Plenty… There’s Lost Ark which is FTP. Neverwinter Nights, or Starship Simulator.

Lost ark was fun up until I hit the actual endgame and it wanted me to grind + do all sorts of island hopping with a big guide open for what I can actually do

Still, very few online rpgs let me live out my fantasy of just being a guy with a minigun. Basically just that and TOR

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Dark side trooper was the most fun I had Republic side :blush:


There actually is lore that says Anduin needs to be there.

The old short story says Anduin and Velen will be there for the final battle. Blizzard hand waved it away saying it was “a possible timeline”, but I strongly suspect Metzen intends for it to be the real ending.

Anduin doesn’t even need to get all that much older. He’s already half way to the look he has in the comic, and he’s not 30 years old yet.

I liked Elder scrolls online, but no fistfighting class and weapon switching got boring fast.

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Never finished ESO fully. Need to do that some day.

The company has changed hands at least three times since the story started. But here you are, still stomping your feet.

And I will keep complaining until humans are no longer present all the time.

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Making your parents proud.

Wary of FTP (Free to Play?). I’ll check out the others.

TOP = The Old Republic (Star Wars)? Not on a Mac…

I heard a lot of buzz about New World, but no mentions now? Flash in the Pan?

Can we be certain that he knows them? His posts cast doubt on this notion.

In Son of the Wolf, a Legion comic Anduin is shown leading the fight between the Light and the Void on the side of the Light. That’s why he’s a big player in this expansion. He’s lost his ties to the light so there’s story to be told on how he goes from a broken man to one willing to lead the charge against the Void.

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