Why am I spending $15 for a monthly sub if you're gonna timegate eveything

congratulations youve cleared level 1! wait for next week to access level 2 :slight_smile:

pacman has no timegate. itll let you burn through all its content in one sitting if you so wish

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very true… but both wastes of time.

And I spent more on PacMan in a day than I do on WoW in 2 months.

Exactly. People just notice the timegating these days because of the system on system on system crap we have going on. It wasn’t like that back then. Simpler times for simple fun. Not anymore.

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You seem mad you can’t get geared up in 2 weeks and are calling that time gating?

That’s how MMORPGs work.

not get your $0.50’s worth today?

Is that really worse than a system where you might as well come back in two weeks and just play then instead?

I love how it seems like you get gated if you fall behind. Blue posts on catching up on renown are about as vague a description of a solution as I have seen so far in this game. They even punt it to Wowhead for an answer:
It seems to be once again 100% random if you actually get to move up or now.

I understand why some content is gated, but something like renown? Get outta here.

FF14 before it was “reborn”, yeah it had a whole host of problems, tried its version of timegating and had to be shelved and relaunched. This won’t happen here but I think this path they’re going down will permanently damage the game for real this time. If these past “busy work systems” haven’t already.


Timegating just doesn’t work.

It frustrates those who want to excel.

It feels like a punishment for those of us who have jobs and can only get 2 days off in a week to play.

I think at the least it should’ve been more thought out and there should’ve been a way for those of us who can’t play everyday to get extra time in that day to reflect the 5 we won’t be able to play in.

I guess you’d call it a progressive timegate? Or a flexible one?

I’m not buying “wait for catch up mechanics”.

This is really the 1st expansion launch I’ve been in. I’ve always jumped in and out the game between things in WoW and I really wanted to experience an expansion launch. Boy was I wrong.

If you don’t want to pay that you are more then welcome to go play some other other games that require no Subscription and you only have to buy an expac every so often. You’ll be bored as hell but you won’t have to whine about paying a Sub.

I don’t know - why are you?

Maybe you should take a few months off so that you can catch up via catch-up mechanisms, and then you can complain about how everything is rushed.

I hear Cuberpunk 2077 is bug-free, maybe play that for a while?

Thought the answer would be clear… So you pay for multiple months, not one month. If you complete everything in a month, they don’t make any money. Their one and only goal is to make as much money from you as possible.

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If you think this is ‘time gating’ then you should play the Burning Crusade when it comes out in Classic.

  1. They want you to subscribe as long as possible.
  2. You are still subscribing, so clearly you find this acceptable.

Cus bobby needs ANOTHA CHOPPA

Bobby Kotik is a wate of a human he killed one franchise and now hes killing another only reason is just like a lottery you have 2 choices you can accept a lump sum which is smaller and heavily taxed or you can accept a 30 year choice in which its spread out but you get more money in the long run. Investors chose this fat loser because he will make them money not caring how bad it damages the product in return.


Played it when it came out way back when. Wasn’t this bad or if it was I didn’t notice it as much.

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Forcing you to do the same thing over and over and over = Less development time= less $$$ to develop = More $$$$$ For actigreedvision.

Why do you think they keep people Flavor of the month re rolling and re gearing with over nerfs and buffs to classes and specs?

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I mean, to be 100% fair, I swapped from Venthyr to Kyrian and achieved Renown 9 in one day. The catch ups are there you just have to stop complaining and actually do it. It’s not the end of the world that everyone is making it out to be.

We don’t. Maybe you do. But anyone can quit if they don’t like it. Many people do.

You have no control over what Blizzard offers. That isn’t “letting them get away with it”. Are you “letting Apple get away with” their high prices? I could list thousands of companies.