I mean just look at me!!!
I mean just look at me!!!
Hmm, where have I seen this look before…
Gnomes are creepy as f , not even close to cute.
My kind of girl. GOODNESS ME!
gnomes arent cute tho
Chuckies girlfriend. Oh no we have a problem.
Gnomes get too much hate. I think it’s cuz we’re so pretty, tho.
Aww you so cute! Very smol.
+1 verified cute for blue hair.
Blue hair, best hair.
Gnomes scare me, also, why am I so darned cute?
Shut up, food. Food doesn’t need to be cute. It just needs to taste good.
Also, why am I so darned cute?
Eww blonde.
I’d beat. Why not.
What’s cute about a football…punt
You are so darned cute!
You look like a Toddlers & Tiaras nightmare.
My god, I’m ugly but you’re just creepy. Stay away before you go in The Chokey!
Don’t worry - in 10 years time you’ll all look back at your “Blue Hair” days and laughably cringe.
/It’ll happen to you!!!11
I don’t have blue hair, unless you’re talking about my character. But keep going. In 10 years you’ll find yourself cringing over picking goblin as a race.