Why am I only getting two handed weapons as HOLY?!

Ok, my holy paladin alt is set up for delves, leveling kinda like a fistweaver with a beacon on both myself and brann. it’s glorious and I love it so much, though I’ll probably put this alt on hold until the likely heirloom upgrade in 11.1 because someone forgot to tell the loot gods about shield of the righteous!

Seriously though, did I miss a memo where somehow a two handed weapon is just so far above sword and board for overall performance (again, as as soloist in delves, I will not be healing you in instances, don’t worry) that it’s worth just… not binding shield of the righteous? I’ve had 3 weapons drop from various sources while delving and they’ve all been two handers! Do I just have bad luck? It’s not like a caster where all weapons are are stat sticks and just wield whatever… not having a shield equipped greys out one of my favorite buttons that I’ve dumped multiple talents into!

It feels crazy to get two handers at all as holy but I suppose some people might want them so I won’t yuck on those people’s yum.

Are they strength? Are you set for ret loot?

First thing I checked, and no!

Are they strength? Are you set for ret loot?

Most likely no, there are a couple of Intellect 2h maces that Holy Paladins can get in their vault. Wardbreaker of the Fractured being one of them.

IIRC there is one from the Delve/World Content vault row too. I know because I got it from my first Coffer Keyed Bountiful delve early in the season and it was pretty frustrating. This has been a thing for a little while now. There were a number of 2h in DF too – the one from Brackenhide and Dawn of the Infinite for example.

It becomes less of an issue with crafted gear and weapon crafts being as impactful as they are, however, it’s incredibly frustrating to be rewarded with a 2H int weapon as a Holy Paladin when it’s effectively useless in all forms of content. Especially in solo Delve content where you need to be able to press Shield of the Righteous.

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OK good, so I’m not crazy or so far from understanding the class to wonder who the hell wants this haha!

Nope, you’re not alone. There’s a number of similar posts from a couple of months ago. At the start of the expac when people were farming delves as the only source of end game gear, there was a bunch of complaints.

I don’t know why 2H Maces still exist tbh. IIRC they can be worn by Shamans, Paladins and Druids and it’s only really Druids who would want to wear them. Most Shamans would prefer a shield and 1H too. It’s only really Holy Paladins who are absolutely scuffed playing with one though.

Why they haven’t done the Legion thing and just made Shield of the Righteous castable with a 2H, I will never know. Seems like an easy fix and until they do that, I can only assume it’s because they want dead loot in the game. Just like a caster getting an offhand when they already have a staff or a Fury Warrior getting a 1h. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Yeah I learned this recently as well! There’s literally an additional buff for elemental that goes on your shield! It’s basically like the offhand buff for enhancement in that way, and you can’t use it if you have, drumroll please a two handed mace or staff equipped!

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