Why am I losing rating when another player leaves?

This seems to be happening a lot in Solo Shuffle these days. It’s not fair when I haven’t had a chance to play against that player.

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Because you were negative when they decided to leave, just like you could’ve gained points if you beat them twice and then they left.


People never leave after they win twice lol.


If he played against somebody and beat them twice and they (the person who died and lost) decided to leave then the op would earn points

Inversely sometimes you play with somebody for 1-3 rounds and they leave and as such you lose points.


Any idea what this topic is about?

Meaning that people only leave when they’re doing really bad so there will always be people who suffer from being on the wrong side of the coin flip.

Solution: Ban leavers for 1month+. I mean they ban people for chat longer than that lol.

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Leaver penalty already harsher than it should be for anybody above 1.6k cr

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If there is a leaver other people shouldn’t lose ratings

The issue is people could exploit that. Only thing they can really do is enforce serious punishments.

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A leaver used to just null everyone gaining/losing, but people about to go 0-6 would leave on the last round to stop others from climbing (and not lose MMR/rating).

The idea behind this isn’t how it applies immediately but the probability of how it will apply long term. Theoretically if someone left while you were 0-2, someone will also eventually leave when you’re 2-0.


We tried this and it rendered the mode unplayable.


Ignore Kennie. His actual character is a level 70 warrior named Jayne.

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Hmmm. No, not quite.

Yes, you are. This level 80 you’re on is just carried up some by rank 1 players you’re on Discord with.

Delete Jayne already. Hide the profile maybe.

EDIT: Oh wow. You actually did just hide the profile as I was saying that hahahahaha… Nice move Kennie lmao. Keep on trucking. Don’t want the community finding out you’re actually a very sick RP’er who preys on… yeah. Not saying it. They get the point. Don’t be surprised when the men in black FBI are knocking at your door soon bud. :slight_smile: you probably better throw all your hardware in a lake lmao

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^This. It was literally better to leave than play out a losing lobby.

Swole and kennie are right that the only way to really prohibit it is to punish it.

Yeah, it sucks for people who DC also, but at the end of the day that’s not the fault of blizzard or the other 5 people in the lobby.


What are you…on about? :dracthyr_a1: I haven’t done anything on that Warr since like SL.

Its just luck. Sometimes you get put wuth the 0-3 healer and when you get your chsnce to smash his skull into the ground he just leaves. Nice

Enjoy your -30

That’s some pretty serious accusation dude

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Kind of shocking to find that out tbh.

Complete with the classic swole like.

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