Why all the Void elf hate?

The players? Of course not. Blizzard? Eh a little more iffy. I’m more understanding of the usual “it was a different time” than most. As long as they recognize drunk Scottish dwarf is hilariously outdated and move past it for more nuance then fine.

But catch me that BS when trying to justify continued use of racial segregation lol

Why are the classics not good?
People like familiarity and sure you can make something else. But if your writing something about dwarves and tell me how they’re farmers, vegan and don’t drink beer you better have a good back story.


Because if one of your classics was a black skinned spear chucker that was so ingrained in the cultural zeitgeist that not being a black skinned spear chucker and instead a stuffy, scholar is considered "wild and crazy subversion of expectations…may come in looking at things a bit differently lol.

Extreme example, I know. But I hope you’ll at least get the gist of what I’m saying.

I do not understand the reference if it was one.
But if I’m gonna describe a character as being a dwarf, it’s not because he’s a tall person. Else I would just not call him a dwarf generally if it’s not important and doesn’t help people understanding/imagining the story.

It was one I made up based on an actual conversation I’ve had with someone about Africans lol.

But you you are proving my overall point, which ya know. Thanks lol.

Why wouldn’t you just make a story about humans if there’s no characteristics you’re willing to attribute to different races? I think that’s just crazy to call people having differences racism even cultural ones. I think it’s crazy to see wow as a racist game or even Django as a racist movie.

I think it’s a pretty weird stance to have moreover when playing wow.


void magic is a very curruptive magic, even more so then fel. Normal skin tones/ non-mutated customization with a race with the story that they “undertook involuntarily” in a void ritual designed to transform them into void beings weakens the void aspect severely. We are not playing alleria’s that under went 100+ years of void training, we are a transformed people.

Non-mutated customization weakens void lore, the very foundation of the race and name sake.

This also harms high elf themes as well, in which these customizations is supposed to represent. They are ham fisting the notion that all high elves in the alliance dabbles in void (which I repeat, being in direct influence with the void without a long time study mutates you more then fel would.) which deteriorates the idea of “individualism” that people harps about with their “player characters”. This will even be worse when they get paladins as playable.

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I’ll be a high elf if I want to be, and there’s nothing you can do about it

See, you haters don’t even know what you’re complaining about. No, we don’t have any of the blood elf hairstyles, which are much better due to Blizzard’s Horde favoritism probably!

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A slap in the face.
I knew they had added more stuff so they could look like blood elves I just didn’t remember how much xd

On forums… Meet the T-squad

Everywhere else because the backstory was shoe horned in and was weak at best for how we got this copy paste emo elf.

i wonder how the forums were when they first revealed void elves…i bet so many people were so pissed lol

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It was mixed. Some welcomed it, some hated it. Fans developed from the first form of void elves, then the same fans turned to hate it from the crying to transform them into what they where not, and the criers succeeded in ruining the race.

in my honest op they should have released the “high” elves as the players wanted. if im asking for mcds don’t bring me bk. (or do, i like bk but examples lol) they release a bad ver and with a loss of a class… that’s terrible… blizzard just dumb.

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Oh yeah. It was bad. A lot of people got Forum Suspension, then as a “compromise” they gave Void Elves the High Elven skin tones which only served to anger Void and High Elf fans as it made no one happy. High Elf fans still want High Elves, and Void Elf fans feel cheated out of more Void customization options.

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Isveria… if we split the Void Elves, there wouldn’t be enough to have a volley ball match.

Cosmic customizations should have been universal. It’s not as if Blood Elves can’t have gold eyes because of Lightforged Draenei, for example.

The problem is, the Alliance had no reason to tolerate their existence. The Forsaken gave the Horde a solid foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms. The Void Elves bring nothing to the table. How the Night Elves didn’t try to exterminate them all the moment they became known is still a mystery to me. They’re Blood Elves messing with the same power Azshara uses these days. Void Elves should’ve been Kill On Sight with extreme prejudice, and not just by the Night Elves, but by the Blood Elves, High Elves, and Nightborne as well.


Yes they do. We’ve gotten more high elf customizations than void and that sucks

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void elves dont have hate? at least i never see it.

the main hate towards races are Gnomes and Blood elves. and the only reason belfs get hate cause a ton of alliance players are just jealous and cant give it up that horde got them

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VE feel so shoehorned in because they introduced them at the end of Legion then abandoned them for 3 expansions. TWW looks to continue Alleria’s story and will hopefully flesh them out more


Need more void and less elf. Add tentacle arms!