Why all the Realm First rewards?

Probably because they were there in original mists.

Agreed. They should be removed. Plunderstorm didn’t have them, so this shouldn’t have them. There has to be balance in design and intent.

It’s a title so it’s hard to care.


everyone can compete. even if only a few win.

I’m fine with the realm-first achievements, but I think the title is too good to be limited. Mistrunner is awesome and we should all get it for completing the event.

I think something like, “Famed Runner of the Mists” is more distinct and fits with the challenge without taking something cool away from the rest of us that can’t sweat this out / or find some realm-first hack like they did in Wrath Classic.

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This is the result of a bug that we have fixed in a future 10.2.7 build.

Thanks for the reports!


Is them being visible the bug, or them existing? I genuinely don’t care either way, not worth my sanity to try to race to level cap lol. But wouldn’t mind elaboration.

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Is Taivan’s size a bug?

There have definitely been more people asking over that than this.

I am confused, Realm First achievements are a bug and shouldn’t be a thing?

Most likely, they considered/implemented them earlier in development (possibly a “MoP had Realm Firsts, we could do them for old time’s sake” kind of deal), then decided against them later on, so the “bug” would be the achievements still remaining in the code instead of being dummied out or something.

Thinking about it - it makes sense.

The achievement says first to beat Mythic Garrosh, but according to their guide on when difficulties/dungeons unlock, Mythic Raids are not listed. They cap at heroic.

Mythic SoO is listed here.

Does this mean that the Mistrunner title will be available to anyone who plays? Or is it going to be removed? Because it’s a great title, but the only reward for no-lifing should be a Feat of Strength. I say this as someone who has one of the original WotLK Realm First titles for the Obsidian Dragonshrine, it’s not particularly fun game design.


Can you please reconsider this, people in my guild were very much looking forward to going for realm first. I imagine this is not going to be tuned very difficult for high-end players so having incentive via speed was a cool feature.

It’s absolutely psychotic you would even complain about this, how does it affect you? You know it’s ok for Blizzard to put rewards in the game that not everyone is able to achieve.

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Asking them to reconsider just bc people in your guild decided they were gonna try to go for it is kind of wild tbh :rofl:


Weird, it’s missing from the graph. o_o

Considering Plunderstorm only has 1 server and probably had more people on it than remix will, I imagine Remix will only have one or two servers. Especially since the devs have said on twitter they have new tech that drastically increases how many people can be on one server now.

So making an achievement only a single group can obtain (or a single person in the case of level 70), is a bit much.

Siege got converted to the new naming scheme with the WoD pre-patch, so I expect it to fall under “heroic raids”

The game already caters to the high-end achievers in a way that doesn’t fully exclude a community the way ‘Realm firsts’ does. Any average player could, in theory, get KSM or the mythic version of AotC if they really dedicated themselves to learning it, but only one singular person is going to get a realm first.

This argument also feels rather hypocritical. You’re here complaining, or as you put it “crying”, about the fact that players don’t want this one specific type of reward that you and your guildies want.

Then add timewalking to make it less so.

Make the game more fun instead of trying to enslave people.

The people who will go after WF titles like this likely have more prestigious titles to use and will rarely (if ever) show these after a week or two. If it ends up being your most prestigious title… Damn, get good at the game.

Taking PTO to play 10+ year old content faster than other people just isn’t impressive. I say this as someone who tries for realm first max level on new xpacks without an achievement incentive.