FEEDBACK: Timerunning Test Weekend - LEVELING and ITEMS

Dragonriding from the start is an interesting choice and props to the dev team for allowing fun. :slight_smile:


Instead of looting every enemy for Bronze, can we just get it? I know it’s nitpicky but when would we ever not want the Bronze? I get it for gray items etc but since there are none, I doubt anyone would feel weird if some enemies just weren’t lootable after death because you automatically receive what they have.


I assume we’ll see several Pandaria: Remix testing periods during 10.2.7 PTR.

What is planned between these periods? For Retail you mention characters being converted into normal characters with the end of those events, will this also happen when these first 60 hours of testing are over?
Or will players be able to continue with characters they started (to see changes/bug fixes/etc.?

Both Beast Master and Marksman Hunter are getting nothing but staffs - I tried changing my loot spec to them from current and it makes no difference.

I know you can upgrade your gear but it is restricted by level so to get 4 weapons you can’t use and then have to wait until you are 20 to upgrade again is very annoying.

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There should be no race to the unemployment office leveling first or raid first achievements in a for fun mode.


We should be able to scrap tinker/gem/cogwheels that we’re never going to use.

That or all of those item enhancements should be account bound, not soulbound.


Right now you can mail the garrosh heirlooms to characters and the gems work in them.

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Caches are a little heavy on Timerunner’s Bandages and Timerunner’s Vials. Maybe they’ll be useful at some point, but right now, I just hit level 23, and I have 45 bandages and 44 vials.

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Leveling feels way too slow… And early levels when you have no talents are super boring. May be start at level 20 instead of 10 so you at least have a few starting talents available right away?


This is so COOL

This should BE season 4 - no doubts or questions about it


I was just coming here to indicate that. I am sure this is the same speed as if you do chromie time and slower because you don’t have gear in half your slots.

I will take me about 3 days to even reach 70.

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Doesn’t make a significant difference unfortunately. I don’t know what they did to the tuning on these but they feel incredibly weak and dependant on lucky gems.

the toy items sold on the vendors for bronze is that their only source or can you get them from their original RNG dropping npcs ie ai-li’s skymirror off ai-li skymirror?

Anyone else have an issue changing specs? The button just doesn’t do anything, tried even unloading every single add-on

Would be cool if we got dragonriding for Cloud Serpents early for this event. : D


Are you playing an Evoker? They don’t seem to be able to change their spec, for understandable reasons.

  1. The pace of levelling feels considerably slower than that which is available on retail. This is problematic especially as people are going to have to maintain raiding/M+ mains on the ‘live’ game whilst also running toons through the time running during season 4. I’d recommend starting the cloak off with a 50%-75% bonus to XP gained (as opposed to the current 0%) so the early stages of time running feel less like a chore.
  2. The loot tables seem broken at present when it comes to spec specific weapons.
  3. Loot drops from mobs and caches feels a bit too repetitive in the early game because of the very limited loot pools available till higher levels.

I was, and I’m probably dumb lol, what reason are you referring to

Both Augmentation and Preservation need the talent points Evokers get at lv. 58 to be functional, so not surprising the scaling isn’t implemented for them yet.