Why all the hate for twinks?

Nothing about retail is like the classic pvp grind which actually promotes unemployment.

correct, Retail aren’t grinding to reach the required rank to equip the optimal gear. Retail are mindlessly grinding Mythic+ dungeons and looking into PTR reviews to see what class/spec to play so they aren’t completely dumped on in the next Patch.

The difference between Classic and retail is Classic has already been done and Failed (Hence the Multiple Expansions lol).

Yea but if you’re unemployed it’s not retails fault. If anything gear is handed out a bit too easy.

The fact that you are rewarded for time invested is enough to support the idea that Retail Promotes unemployment. I mean you can even Farm in game currency to pay for your game time :face_vomiting: . Everything about BFA has shouted, Give me all of the time you have to spare or you will fall behind the competition.

Eh not really when Bgs have scaling. If you feel you have to grind mythic that’s on you.

What scaling? The 70k health 120 vs the 420k health 120? the fact that a fresh 120 can literally blow through every cool down, including potions and barely make an impression on a “Geared” 120 player. The only place a casual 120 has in Bg’s is in the Grave yard or level synced.

Oh I see. So you want to hit 120 and instantly be on par with people over a year of time played? Go play a diff game

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Yup! in instanced PvP, Absolutely!

I have. :rofl:

Good, stick with it.

If WoW in the only game you play. I am sorry. Really, I feel for you. :innocent: :church:

No need. This is the best game ever.

That’s just sad. :sob:

This is my game time, Sleep isn’t due for a couple more hours. TY for the entertainment. Sadly, you commenting in the forums has kept me out of game this whole time and it’s the most Fun I have had related to WoW in a few Days. Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You’re welcome. Just got done with my rbg session and is sleepy time for me. Have a gn and hope you find happiness.

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in other words, the Crackhead has found the rock :rofl: I will continue to pray for people like you.