Why all the hate for twinks?

Good to know. I just checked out the new event. Looks cool! I wonder how geared out 60s will do in there? I took a look at xpoff to see. They’re planning for a mass exp AV for everyone.

Makes me question how the actual 60s that aren’t scaled down will do? If they will just kill all the others lol.

Yeah, its kinda up in arms on how its actually gonna go, whether templated or everyone but 60s is templated or everyone templated or no templates maybe. We will see lol. I can guarantee you though that if its still separated, and no templates, the xp-on queues will be a mess with gear in a few days because it will be so easy to gear up for the event when your merged within all the brackets

when 120’s can queue into any bracket with close to BIS Ilvl who needs event anything below cap? Gotta love the sync system. Breaks Instanced PvP on a whole new level. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I think what you say could be applied to all the incapacitation affects too, 45 ways to knock your opponent off with minimal efforts.

Stand still while I whittle you down … AHHHHH you moved ???

Ideal Stat allocation is ideally what Twinking is all about.
Such a backwards method of adding more players to the brackets with 120s…
Let us (XP off) return so 120s can be controlled effectively.
Retail is as dead as I have ever seen it, it is time for some activity.

When players had agency, that was a bad thing. But they’re fine with turning low level bgs into a sandbox where max level geared players can go to gank lowbies.

You were all for separation when it effected your Honor grind on multiple 110 Guardian Druids (Under Geared, Under played correctly).
Now we have a dead game, interestingly enough last night out of 7 BGS played at 120 we saw multiple of the same players. In new age retail I cannot remember this ever happening. Brought up some good conversation which we all agreed on.
Grats on buying BFA, so late but hey…

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Still bleating on about twinks. Go back to classic. You all left for Classic because that was the holy grail for twinks. Not enjoying it?

I bet your win rates would be better if you didn’t que up in Boosted 120 greens.
Were you that player with 100k hp who helped your team lose due to lack of gearing effort… :yawning_face:
Twinking in retail still very much exists.
In fact I would agree that BFA Twinking pre separation is still more balanced than Classic. But hey. :man_shrugging:

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class imbalance is the biggest issue pre lvl 90, at which time Ilvl is king sadly. Legion PvP was the best across the bord in all brackets. Playing Pvp in Bfa in all brackets in mutilple toons, it couldnt be more apparent…

I wish that were the case. Sadly, BFA is all about Ilvl first then Traits then stats… BFA is a Joke when it comes to PvP, anyone who partakes for joy can clearly see that.

Legion was riddled with poor class balance, Remember Throwing Axes from SV hunters within the lower brackets? BFA has allowed the easiest gearing system in the history of this game within the lower brackets, for those who put some minor effort as usual.

Incorrect IMO. For one example my 395 ilvl Druid does more damage in correct stats vs 410 ilvl with incorrect stats… @120 ofc.
Do traits work for Party Synced 120s within the lower brackets? :thinking:

I was and if anything, I did better than those with gear

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you have hunters, Arcane mages and healers owning the lower level brackets on class alone… Add ilvl + enchants and you have complete pwnage.

at lvl 120 due to class imbalance, there are certain classes/specs that simply PWN regardless of ilvl or AZ traits. Sadly, however after all is said and done, the more time you have to invest means the more advantage you will have over your competition. In PvE I agree with this hole heartedly, but on PvP I dont think the more time you have to spare should determine how much of an advantage you will have over your fellow players. It promotes unemployment and neglect of real life matters. I cannot accept such a system…

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Is this for real?? Am I in the Classic Honor forum?

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Correct Stats > ilvl up to a point.
Research is Key.

The player that claimed I was “Bleating”, obviously could not perform.

Sadly no.

To a point sure but not all research is rewarded with acceptable results. The ball was dropped on some areas of this game and it all rotated around Ilvl and class balance.

Legion was far from perfect when it came to instanced PvP but I put my vote in that it was WAY better than BFA instanced PvP across the board…

This is the way.

Then it promotes nothing of which you speak.

if what is assumed is that you do a min/max of your preferred class/spec and you will do well then you would be sadly mistaken. A min/max character of any class/spec will win over its counter part however, a casual Fire mage will destroy a min/max warrior, and a Min/max Rogue will destroy a Hunter. Those are just basic rock beats scissors in the uneducated’s eyes but anyone who has played BfA PvP will tell you, Doing your resaerch on whats Flavor of the Month (FoTM) far exceeds min/maxing your preferred class/spec.

Research is rewarded on the most primitive level possible in BfA. So many have put in 10’s if not 100’s of hours into their class/spec only to be beaten by some Blizz over site… Either it’s a broken class mechanic or a broken AZ trait, it takes all of the control from the player (The Illusion of control anyways) and reinforces the notion that we are simply at the Blizz staff’s mercy.

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