Why all the hate for twinks?

:rofl::rofl: I say this same thing about max level pvp tbh. Hated wod with a passion because it was gear>skill. Legion fixed that now bfa is in between

The guy who repeatedly failed the 3rd grade until he was 30 (we’ll call him Willy) beat up all 200 kids in the playground. He’s now 200-0. Meanwhile, Mayweather is only 50-0. Therefore, Willy is a better fighter than Mayweather.

Makes sense!

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One is in jail, the other is rich

I honestly and completely have exactly no clue what he is even talking about.
They may need to up my meds or something, but man, I am just completely lost on his train of thought.

And since you’re still awake, how is my apparent honeybear this evening? (I hope your wife doesn’t come punch me in the nose for that).

Wooooooosh! Close one!

Right? A 30 year old in the 3rd grade… that is impossible and probably illegal. Can’t be compared to a video game

Oh I meant slick willy. He completely lost me.

Wife and I are relaxing for a spell. Enjoying vacation. How is your night, other me?

I agree, it is always best to have some knowledge on the subject.

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Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

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woah wait a minute… now I see the willy part. Is willybrown kang? Was looking at top posters here

Where have you been?

I have the flu, and husband is raging at MTG: Arena.
Other than that just still waiting for my BG to pop…
This hunter is never going to get max level I swear.

I really wanted another max level hunter for mount farming since my luck with drops lately has been complete garbo.

And I still can’t believe 3 AV wins in a row, and all I got was a box of fish.

Me? I was at work all day

I agree, Ion… please go back to practicing law, video game development is not your forte, like… at all.

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People raging in RL in MTG is one thing I miss. Wow, that brought back memories.

That’s not today’s news, I’m afraid.

He got land flooded like 5 games in a row, the rage was real, but it got me a chocolate milk shake out of the deal because he had to leave the house for a bit lol.

Well tbf they made the change to level 1 posters to level, so maybe he didn’t wanna level. And I have been trying to get this info out of people but no one budged cuz it’s me :rofl:

Too bad it’s arena. I’d say Mox cards are his friend. His wife would love him spending that kind of money.