Why all the hate for twinks?

I can’t believe you didn’t bother reading the comments.

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Just say it again,


You are adamant that there were not any complaints, the roasting will begin.

Man I am gone for awhile BGing with some friends (and they were twinks!), and now me and Greyhide are lovebirds?
I don’t even know the guy!
I can’t help it if his opinion is the same as mine.
And how did heirlooms get thrown into this?
Heirlooms are meant to help you level faster, and mean about a hill of beans now since that stupid global scaling crap.

I actually had an interesting chat with some random twinks me and my friends partied up with. We got face rolled by the alliance, and the two pick up twinks we had were complaining about under geared levelers were why we were losing, and you know what they said?
They said… hang on to your hats… they wish they could have their own brackets back, because casuals were ruining their BG’s.
Now isn’t that something?

I said “the feeling is mutual, believe me, no offense, but Bg’s have come down to which team has the most pre-made twink groups”.
They agreed. There is disdain on both sides.

We got GY camped and had a few of those slapping and spitting on us, and spamming … whatever it is that they are saying.
And people wonder why all the twink hate? That… THAT poop right there, is why.

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Eh heirlooms in the past were strong. New players didn’t have them much, but levelers who were older players did so maybe it wasn’t on the same level as twinks but it was greatly complained about in the past. Trust me, in the forums, people complain about everything.

Right? He’s trying to claim I have people fight my battles for me (of all people I do not) Lots of weird fights happen in these forums.

Well it was told that there were never complaints about twinks when they were separated, but people sure did about heirlooms (they were the twinks because it had to do with gear) You are right they don’t mean much now with the scaling though.

“why should I have to take a Deserter Debuff for refusing to play against a groupful of Twinks camping my GY? Seriously, 3 Horde had more HP than most of my team. Not to mention they had a 44 Rogue that one shotted my Mage (2600 hp).”

Short and sweet, I made sure to leave in the “one shotted” for science. :wink:

Hmmm… I seem to recall a few complaints YEARS ago about people in random BG’s with heirlooms being considered twinks.
I think… it was maybe cata expansion that people in full heirloom gear were complained about, but I don’t recall if it raised as big of a stink as twinks do now, but I wasn’t as heavy in to PVP back then as I am now, so shrugs I have no dog in the twink / heirloom fight.

Honestly, it’s the same handful of people in these threads, on both sides. It’s like max level BG threads. One person posts to vent, but then the same handful (always me lol) and some others fill it up.

I mean, you’re not wrong.

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The pages of comments there are awesome!

I never am :heart_eyes:

They are entertaining for sure between queue times, especially for horde. 45 minutes and counting. I was so hoping to get this horde hunter to the wonderful 111+ bracket.

Ewww thank god for the forums

I do, and this knowledge is based on many many years of
Twinking within this great game.
These facts are solidified by our community.
You can see the characters who have posted on these forums.
Some of them have more Honorable Kills on one low level than the accounts combined of many Anti-twink posters.
Who has the time in? :thinking:

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But you’re just a bully. Time means nothing

I have absolutely no clue what you just wrote.
Ion please stop posting on the forums and go fix your game.

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Basically he and others have put a lot of time in the game in low level BGs… whereas levelers just level past it and pretty freaking quick.

The facts are there for you to learn.
Stay bad or get better, it’s always there for you.

So gear = skill? Hmm… as they would say in FFXI <That’s interesting>

And what does being good or bad have to do with twinking?
So only twinks are good?