Why all the complaints about Monks?

Currently on beta i’m finding Night fae to be pretty fun for WW. The energy AND chi orbs are a bit much. I feel like the stomp maybe should just supply CHI orbs and HEALING orbs. That would make me much happier.

I also find the Night fae to be fun due to the pretty trees I make.


Also, the CD reduction on BoK is degenerative as you use less abilities between primary skills. Eventually, your damage is “capped” at whatever it would be to always use your primary damage skills - it’s the same asymptotic limitation that % frequency TEB imposed.

The conduit is a nice bonus because it helps where WW is already strong (AoE). Very glad they fixed the positioning bug from earlier in the month… Faeline Stomp wasn’t hitting your primary target. :man_facepalming:

I’ll be curious to see whether or not we scale off with AoE target caps being imposed vs. things like https://shadowlands.wowhead.com/spell=255937/wake-of-ashes

I’ve had more fun with Nightfae Stomp when healing than I’ve had with bonedust brew while healing. The difference being one ability contribues an additional 40% to my total healing(bonedust brew), the other contributes less than 3%(faeline stomp)

The ability is SO PRETTY, I wish they’d make it more appealing for healers.


True True
The 1 essence font bolt is a bit insulting tbh. Especially for 2k mana.

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For heroic raid, and mid-level keys, yes, mistweaver will be fine and be competitive. The bulk of the louder people on these forums play at a level >above< that. Mythic raiding, or pushing high keys. By no means am I or anyone else here that I’m aware of shooting for world first or hall of fame, but that doesn’t mean we should be content with how things stand because “we’re fine at other levels of play”.

Mistweaver in raids is performing well in raids for one reason only; a bug with bonedust brew. It currently behaves as a renewing mist, allowing vivify cleave on all targets affected. The kicker is >it doesn’t need to be your bonedust brew<. Brewmasters are a meta tank, and their best choice is also Necrolord, this means a mistweaver can gain a massive throughput benefit from someone elses CD. Both specs can reduce the 1min CD on the brew by roughly half.

It isn’t mentioned anywhere in the tooltip. It hasn’t been commented on by blizzard (lolmonkblueposts). So it is indeed categorized as a bug. The gameplay involved almost never sees you use vivify aside from when the buff is on the raid, as downtime is focused on reducing the CD of the brew. Looking at logs Vivify is on average 40% of a mistweavers healings for the beta raid testing.

Please, explain to me how a bug accounting for that much healing, makes the class, makes it fall into the “doing ok” category for those of us playing the most difficult content.

I’m definitely not saying monk couldn’t use some help. But it’s pretty counterproductive for people to go around talking about how awful monk is and claiming it’s a “dumpster fire trash spec completely broken train wreck Blizzard just delete us because you clearly hate us.” I know most people have expressed much more thoughtful comments than that, but a vocal minority are going around saying these exact things.

Maybe if people were more positive about monks (ie: that monks are more than adequate for the majority of content and are a fun and unique class), then more of the player base (the majority of whom aren’t doing mythic raiding or high keys and therefore won’t experience many issues with monk) might be willing to try it out and stick with it. More monk representation overall = more attention from Blizzard to fix the issues that mythic raiders etc. are experiencing.

I’m not saying don’t provide constructive feedback. But I believe what the OP is referring to is that a lot of discussion about monks is overwhelming and hyperbolically negative–which paints a bad picture for anyone thinking of trying out the class.


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You havent played MoP Monk? That was fun as heck.
BfA Monk is not even 10% as fun compared to MoP Monk.
Monk is only a shadow of its former self. This is the main reason that a majority of the Monk community ist unsatisfied.


It’s poopy, except brewmaster, and I’m not a fan of the brewmaster changes. With the removal of iron skin brew they need to rework how it interacts with the blackout combo talent. Not just tac it onto the new celestial brew, which has a larger cool down and can’t have charges.

Most of us are very quick to be negative because we’ve been through this before.

I can tell you that MoPs iteration of both Windwalker and Mistweaver were far more fun to play for the bulk of monk players than what we have today. They were fairly balanced and performed well. The class still didn’t attract many players. At the end of WoD, they opted for a rework, to lower the specs ceiling and floor to be more attractive to more players. The class hemorrhaged players instead of attracting them.

Leading up to legion, monk rework didn’t feel right, didn’t play well, and didn’t perform well. Overall the monk community was patient, growing more negative as time went on. The result for Legion? Adjust some numbers and leave the rest of the issues unaddressed.

Those issues are still unaddressed. So when we spot a chance for change, after 5 years of people patiently providing monk feedback, constructive talk over the years on forums about how the spec doesn’t feel right, yes we get loud when we’re a few weeks away and it looks like it’s going to be another two years before we get a chance for significant change to happen.

The bulk of the player base does not visit these forums. They’ll play whatever they want to play, however they want to play it, regardless of what anyone says. I salute them, and sincerely hope they can continue to enjoy playing the game they want to for a long time to come. That doesn’t mean I should have to sacrifice the parts of the game I find fun, just because they can’t seem to balance monks when they can with other classes. I personally saw nothing wrong with the insanely long button press for Unholy DKs opener since I play mine casually, doesn’t mean I don’t agree with the changes they made to it for the more skilled players.

Faith was placed once that our problems would be addressed, and that faith was lost due to inaction for years. Now we’re going to be loud and stomp our feet and everything else to try and save our enjoyment of a class we love.


I played WW for the last raid in BFA after having raided as brewmaster, pretty much since mop. It was actually painful, I dreaded raid nights. Only reason I didn’t change classes is because I refused to regrind, neck levels, reputation, and neck powers.

WW brings nothing to the table. They need to let the run speed bonus stack with everything, and give it a 40 yard rage.


Ive never once claimed the spec doesnt play well, Over the years it has been made to try and make it function well within a certain guideline of the game where this 1.5 minute cooldown will line up with this 2 minute cooldown on the second charge. It feels like it plays well.

But is it a fun version of monk? no. Do I think I could log on and go into a heroic raid and top the meters? probably. Do I usually perform the best in my dungeon groups? probably. Am I good at pvp? Probably.

But the feeling of the class doesnt feel good to play and make me want to continue playing a monk. I feel like I might as well be playing a ret pally or a warrior or a frost dk.

I know class design all around isnt great and fun and they keep using, artifacts and essences and azerite and stuff like this to cover up the bad classes. But I can still log onto a druid and it feels like an amazing class at its core.

I don’t think we need to worry about that anymore. I put a poll out on the forums that has 30% of the monk players quitting monk and 50-60% are going to stay. Much more positive than I had thought it would be. Still 30% of a class player base is quite a bit. Granted this monks on the forums who took part. Still very revealing.

Why would monks care if they anger the devs?? They might not work on our class? That is already happening and we also get no communication as well. Meh. Can’t even get a blue response to any of the changes made or even a real blue post with changes. However, we had the 1 blue post that did say they would be bringing changes next week, but that never happened.

Another thing most people are really angry about is the SEF bugs still existing after so many years. SEF continues to plague our class on the beta.

Or the MW not being complete from the 7.0 rework. MW plays so awful right now. The only thing the spec has going is the Tear of Morning legendary. If you played the spec back in WoD or MoP you’ll understand how boring the spec is. Currently about 60-70% of your healing is passive. That’s not great to play. We also likely won’t be see fistweaving return.

BRM is going the same way MW went. BRM is becoming boring passive play. If you play the live version vs. the Beta you’ll understand this quickly. As well, BRM is really strong meta wise, but so boring no1 wants to play the spec.

Our covenants are not working properly. There is a tremendous amount of bugs still. The reason MW is looking good is due to the necrolord covenant bug. When this hits live Blizzard will take notice if MW is doing good, and will result in that covenants ability being shredded. We all know how this story ends. Night Fae ability still isn’t interacting with WW also dropping odd energy orbs we don’t need. It also isn’t playing with our kit still.

I also think the main problem is the expansion being rushed out the door. Beta is filled with bugs at this point and some bugs being alpha quality. Maybe we’ll see another quest bug like in MoP where people had to form a single file line to do a single quest lol. GM was there and everything making sure people did the line correctly lol.

Monks would really like some communication as to if the devs are giving up on the class. Let us know because as of right now the changes made for monk over the years are indicating they’ve given up. We’ve seen Blizzard give up on specs before, but never a whole class.


And we weren’t top tier then either

Everybody gripes about SEF, mostly rightly so. But, is serenity not viable to work around that?

Also, why can’t my monk look like the blue lightening SEF character instead of randomly summoning a tiger. That would be cool.

Only BM. WW and MW are lower on their tier lists.

And MW is super buggy

Serenity being reverted to legion variation would certainly make myself happy and hopefully provide an option that allows us to avoid the bug ridden pile of code that is SEF. Especially in the time constraint this close to expac.

To take Serenity would require us to give up WDP. WDP makes our rotation feel so fluid. Especially currently on the beta when Rising Sun Kick doesn’t do any dmg. I’m assuming the RSK problem is a bug.

I can’t give up WDP tbh because it gives so much flavor to WW. Its like the only ability that is doing anything with air. I wish Blizzard would just redo a lot of our abilities to bring that wind identity to the spec.

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I am 99% sure wind was more of a designation, see these martial artists be so agile they walk the winds.

Kind of like my unit was called Dark Horse, but we weren’t horses that were dark.