Why Adventure Mode gated in EA locked behind Max level campaign?

" When you accept “The Fleet Arrives” quest and get to Dornogal, you will unlock Adventure Mode in Khaz Algar for your Warband." << this after accepting Alleria MSQ

i can choose where to go after i did the campaign and i was at 78
might have to due to me not doing the silithis quest before hand

I’m 80, have pathfinder (steady flight) unlocked, alts can choose where to quest, etc., but for some reason I can not get “The Fleet Arrives” quest to get credit for finishing the campaign which apparently, is one of the requirements to unlock the Earthen.

Pathfinder required completing the main quest in all zones and visiting all major areas, so I have no idea what’s preventing me from starting The Fleet Arrives.

Its right after you start first max level campaign

There’s no max level campaign to start anywhere that I have found. No pop-up message and no campaign quest icon anywhere.

i think someone posted blizz said earthen will not be unlockable during the early access

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This is indeed the case. There was a thread in CS about it.

There we go. You can click and read through if you want.