Who's your main now?

It will be the same char it has been the past 8 years
(I have been playing for 9 years) This character.

Who’s my main? OMg, I don’t even know anymore. I mean, I always had an alt problem, but since Vulpera came along it’s gotten way out of hand. I now have one of every class they can be. … But I also have all those classes maxed on other races. And I just made a new Alliance alt last night because I still haven’t played though their side of BfA and their gear design is amazing in BfA and I want it all.

So… I really don’t know. I just know I’m out of character slots and


I’ll main my Dwarf Enh Shaman.

But my Dwarf Ele Shaman will be a very close second, followed by my Ret Pally and Fury Warrior. lol

Then the rest of them… I have an alt problem. :crazy_face:

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Right now, I’m kinda maining DH. I say “kinda” because I’m mostly using this time to level up some allied races. If, and emphasis on “if”, I get Shadowlands, I’ll likely go with either a fury warrior or frost DK.

My original character here is still my main, not changing that in the foreseeable future.

This will be the longest toon I’ve ever mained and will continue to do so from WOD to SL.

before the the longest period I ever mained on was my Tauren Druid, which was 5 years.

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I was going to main my hunter as usual in SL. Two months ago, Garrosh decided the main was this DK.

going from a long time mage player to a shaman. also going from horde to alliance.

went shaman because i want to do something besides just dpsing and very few healing classes that i enjoy their dps shaman is 1 out of the 3. the other 2 is Monk and Druid but i already mained a druid long ago and monk well if i cared much for tanking i would play it but idc for tanking so BrM would just be a waste for me.

i have a shaman on horde side i leveled long ago if i decide to go back. nothing really keeping me on the horde atm though besides 1 friend that doesn’t even play RN and only wants to play DH. already told him im going alli he dont want to come then he playing alone

This is my main, has been for years and that’s not changing for Shadowlands

I started in Legion, haven’t really been able to stick to one thing which sucks. A lot of it just feels uninteresting now and rather boring.

I have stayed away from melee for now… and wanna try to narrow it down to a RDPS because it feels more convenient in encounters and seems more groups seek range.

Out of those, even though I did archery when I was younger and love the hunter fantasy, I just can’t do it.

Warlock has some iffy things that annoy me.

For now I’ve stomach’d Frost Mage. But it’s FAR from being a ‘MAIN’.

WTB ez selection for main personality… I’m too picky lol

This is my main she always has been and always will be. 12 yrs now.

Going with this toon because I want to play the 1% min/max meta slave spec of MM

Either that or I’m a masochist

Actually this has been my main since Cata

Ele/Resto Sham. my MW got lost on the way to the shadowlands, and unless she finds a map and her own way there, it’s likely she’ll miss out. :frowning:

To be decided…

I was Balance Druid, have been for a while, but the return of Eclipse just sucked the fun out of the spec for me. I too am shopping for a new main. Bums me out, because Druid has been my main main since vanilla, with the breaks when we’ve had some form of Eclipse or another to suffer thru.

Hunter is in the lead, followed by Rogue and Mage.

First two are not surprising, rogues and hunters have been favorite alts for a while, but I’m really new to the Mage thing. Never got one to level cap before this year.

Leveling a new one now, on my new home server. Really enjoying the legion class hall campaign.

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Bold of you to assume I have a main.

Probably the first character to cap though will be one of my death knights.

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Retired my 15 year Guardian Druid to play this little guy.

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Yup! It’s going to be the same for myself. I’ll never stop playing my Shaman no matter what happens!

Yes, this is and will continue to be my main forever and always.