saw there was a hottest guy thread and decided it needs a counterpart. my vote goes for alleria windrunner. much hotness.
Vanessa Van Cleef
/end thread
Seems like a weird topic for a game where everyone of the same race looks more or less exactly the same. Goes for the male version too, ofc.
I would say the innkeeper at the horde red rum inn in Dalaran.
Well. Alysrazor is literally made out of fire.
Sylvanas, although she may be cool to the touch if you know what I mean
Someone already said Vanessa, so
Ysera in humanoid form.
But I’m having trouble getting Millhouse to accept this fact.
So are you when you come in from the cold.
Dammit I was going to say that.
Alexstraza is going to be pretty hot on the box I think I’m guna get the hard copy of that one
Eredar twin sisters.
I’m an old fashioned gal, so it has to be Aunt Jaina or current age Callia Menethil
Why do women age like wine but men seem to age like milk? Is it stress?
By the stench coming off mine, I’d say he ages like week dead murloc…
Edit: And the stress is doing neither of us any good.
You fed him beans and sausage last night, didn’t you?
Just go run in the field for 20 minutes every morning for 3 weeks and you will be like wiskey my friend
Whadda you know about The Beans?!
looks shifty
Look, chemical warfare is fair game when both the husband and wife sleep in the same bed after sharing the same meal.