Who's the biggest chad in the warcraft universe

Probably Turalyon or Rhonin, going mostly off of the angle of having a high ranking elf ranger fall in love with them because human potential or something.

Honorable mention to Keeshan for him almost impressing Shandris with his human potential.

Honorable mention to Arthas for stealing Jaina away from Kael’Thas, but he kinda missed the mark here by going full DK and then trying to kill her in a dungeon. Guess he’s technically got Lana’Thel though? (It’s hard to say if Arthas is a true Chad or not, but he definitely proved Kael’Thas isn’t one).

Maybe an honorable mention to Malfurion, so long as you never interact with him in the game in any capacity.


How is the answer not Marcus?


-Didn’t get the hot night elf queen
-Didn’t get to corrupt female titan baby

-Got the hot night elf queen
-Is able to corrupt the female baby titan now


In 200 years hes probably buried a lot of children.

He did he even tells the Horde PC hes belives Talanji that members of his court are not all on the up and up. But no one thought they would outright betray the Zandalari.

He had no choice on the deal. Only Bwonsamdi was close to the powerful of Rezan. Also he fought Jaina as well as Genn and the Alliance forces. Jaina alone is a hard proposition.

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No, jaina didn’t engaged directly into a fight with rasthakan.
When genn is fighting rasthakan, jaina is slowing the reinforcements.

the one who engaged directly with him was our good boy werewolf.

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Toranaar. Dude faced off against Sargeras in single combat despite not standing a chance and actually managed to wound him.



He has aggressive amounts of chad energy.


Lmao doing armory on classic and some1 said this


He’s made out of diamond and Azeroth has his phone number.


I mean the mess of cleaning his council.

-Zul was defeated and only got rez during the raid of G’huun

-His conspirators were defeated by the horde adventures under his orders to venture in Atal’dazar probably very soon after retaking the city. After all during Vol’jin questline Talanji and Gadrin acts as the place has been cleansed already.

Though I had to say I didn’t like how much old god cultist influence has been deal in this expansion, even Katherine was forced to hold an idiot ball with her friend Ashvane, after all buying a prision is very shaddy.

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the way i understand it, you’re not wrong. A “Chad” or a “Kyle” is a monster energy drink-swilling jock that loves to break dry-wall who’s good-looking, dumb, and good at everything they do, aside from intelligence-related things.

Arthas fits the best.


I always assumed in the sense of the meme it meant somebody/something that’s superior in general to the “virgin” it’s being compared to. Like if you were comparing Blizzard characters you’d have the virgin Anduin vs chad Valerian.


When I think Chad, I think the blond high school football quarterback that’s strong like a bull, but smart like a fence post that gets all the girls and is kind of a douche. Can I say douche without getting banned? Hell, i’m feeling lucky, i’ll leave it.

Everything’s going well with your girlfriend and she starts talking about kids? Ha! Nah, i think we shouldn’t date anymore (actual plot point from the Arthas novel).

Mentors tell you not to go jumping on your horse in the icy weather? HA! I’m a badass paladin in training. What could go wrong? Certainly not a fall that causes my horse that i love more than most people to die, causing me to slowly have a mental breakdown that leads to me undeadifying all of my father’s kingdom after shoving a sword through his heart!

That city could house tons of undead, but your girlfriend has an idea on how to heal the people? tch… women never have good ideas. burn it, brah, and let the light sort 'em out! (I actually agree with his decision to cleanse stratholme).

Your men think your witch hunt for a demon is pointless and want to go home? Tch, like… no one gets my brain ideas. I’ll burn the fleet and like… blame those mercenaries over there.

And finally… You need an idea to take over the world. You could go with "send all of your undead minions on the same type of campaign that effed everyone up in the third war, where no one could defeat you, even when your powers are waning. Nah brah, I’m gonna go with bringing in 25 of the best champions and the most powerful paladin on Azeroth. Then i’m like… gonna resurrect them. The same champions that defeated Kel’thuzad when i sent him in Naxxramas to the eastern plaguelands, and Illidan in outland, and Kil’Jaeden at the sunwell. That’ll totally end well for me!

I dunno man, there’s a lot of chad in ol’ Arthas.


Yeah but it’s not as literal as the imagery suggests is what I’m saying. I see people on my former University’s student page who make memes comparing the virgin Melbourne Uni to the chad Monash Uni for example. It’s not strictly about a nerd/jock comparison.

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I get what you’re saying. Who would you think is the most chad-like?

Anduin Lothar, Alexandros Mograine, Doomhammer, Archimonde, Broxigar

I said it above.

Basically none of that was thanks to him.

ah, didn’t see that. my bad. Him and Brox were pretty big badasses, but i don’t think Brox was a chad towards the end.

Yeah I went with him over Broxigar despite his obscurity because he basically flipped the finger at Sargeras then wounded him in a duel at full strength enough to piss him off into personally destroying the entire planet. Guy went out in one hell of a blaze of glory and he didn’t even have a blessed weapon to do it with.