Who's responsible for afflicted?

Solely the healer? Or team effort?

Team effort if you want to negate the affix. I always have cleanse or its equivalent on my bar if I’m playing a DPS/tanking class that has the ability to remove debuffs. Somebody has to help the healer and if it’s you, Afflicted will almost never be a problem.

Unless you come across a healer who can’t or won’t cleanse. Even so, they might heal up one Afflicted while somebody else (you) get the other with a cleanse.

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Everyone that can take a talent to deal with it? I would recommend at least 3 people that can deal with it in a pug and to double check if they have their talent to deal with it.


All affixes are for the team to overcome as a group.

That can mean different things to different groups.


THANK YOU. I got into a debate about this in a key, bruh literally no one understands its a team effort.

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It’s best to have a priest or DK to MC the thing and after that it’s everyone else in the game

I wonder why warlocks cant use enslave demon on it

I mean ive seen it both ways. healer solos it, while another one is clueless about it, won’t even dispel one of em.

In any case if its not dispeled or about to go off. you can LoS the blast.

And that’s why they fail and complain on the forums.

Like, if you have a cleanse/decurse and you’re not spec’d into it AND you’re blaming the healer AND failing the key because too many Afflicted go off, look in a mirror if you want to identify the problem.


They understand it, but they don’t accept it because it requires more responsibility than “let the healer do it.”


This. Dungeons are a group effort, so are the affixes. It’s nice that the healers can do it, but it shouldn’t soley be their responsibility. We’re all working together towards the same goal in keys. If you are a class that can talent into it, you take the talent for the week.

Best thing to do these weeks is run your own key, make your own group, and precheck to see if people are talented into it? If not, ask them. If they say no? Kick em.

Let’s go beat up Hakkar. :dagger::robot:

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Everyone but hunters, warriors or warlocks.

And only because we have no tools to address them

And rogues, Deathknights, and demon hunters.


100% team effort. And the number of pugs I’ve joined where no one specs dispels is really troubling

I mean this should be the answer to all affixes, but for whatever reason people have decided “this role does that affix, that role does the other”. Like back when explosive was a thing, people be like “healer affix!” but if you’re on a boomkin, as an example, is it that hard to quickly moonfire the dumb thing and then go back to dps?

If it’s afflicted week, and your class can spec into dispel, do it. If everyone goes in willing to help out, the run will go better.


you’re thinking of incorporeal

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anyone who says it’s a healer affix isn’t someone I’d want in my groups.


Definitely a Warrior

This is how I view it as a healer

I get the priority on watching them. When one spawns I take first “dibs” on taking care of it.

But if it goes off, it’s everyone’s fault.

So while I will take the overwhelming majority, it is on everyone with a dispell to ensure one doesn’t get missed.

Granted as a resto shaman it definitely skews my view.


Because it’s a friendly target.

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