Who's ready to cherry pick specs based on the week

Blizz announced they will be adding weekly affixes to m+ that give damage buffs to certain damage types… So when it’s increased arcane damage week, lets only invite arcane mages and boomkins etc…

This sucks. Horrible horrible idea that only makes finding pugs harder for people.


Are they actually doing that lmao? I assume the intent is to get non-meta specs into the rotation instead of constantly sitting on whatever is parsing highest at the time under normal circumstances.

But what a godawful idea. Hope they realize that before launch.

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I will happily take these new ones over the ones they’re retiring.


The most UNDERWHELMING mythic + affixes I have ever seen. Mythic + is my favorite thing to do, and honestly, this is really disappointing. I doubt mythic + will be fun 2 months into any given season.

My faith is war - within is now at a zero.

How a company with so much money and so many resources can come up with “hey uhm, this week you should bring that person because their class does more damage” is unfathomable to me.

“Ya we don’t know how to make affixes fun, so they’re uhhhhh, gone” would have been superior to this.

Sounds like it will mostly affect trash mobs and not really affect the bosses. so maybe druids sit out the holy/shadow week but then they get in the nature and arcane weeks… Sounds like a rotating bench that would mildly inconvenience a static group that has no alt classes to fill in for them

100% agreed

Wouldn’t this increase spec diversity. So, there isn’t just a couple that are super powerful for the season. You can now see different specs becoming the fav for a week?

Okay, yeah, that’s actually insane.

Again, intent is probably to ensure people don’t just bring the same comp every week, but this is just going to result in people not getting invited on weeks that don’t line up with their spec, regardless of if they’re meta or not to begin with.

Its only some trash anyway so I’m not that bothered that I’ll only benefit one week a month

Honestly, even within the weird box they’ve made with these 4 affixes, Reckless seems too large. The -30% Armor thing basically just means “ALL Melee DPS and Hunters are stronger”, then it still has +Arcane Mage and +Boomkin with the Arcane Damage boost.

All the rest are pretty clear “here’s like 4-5 classes that fit well”.

For 95% of us, this will have no actual impact on gameplay.

It will me a mental affix if anything.

Storming had a larger impact than any of these.

Real question is how did sanguine/bolstering/bursting survive


Seems pretty obvious that they want people playing more alts to me especially with Warbands being “the big new thing” coming in TWW. This will probably incentivize that and drum up some manufactured “engagement” with alt characters aiding them in being able to say “look, people love warbands, more people are leveling/playing alts!”

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