Who's making an Earthen?

Made one, watched the video, didn’t know using the scale would skip all intro content, said hummmmm… neat. Deleted the character. Just not for me. Do hope to see some people stick to the characters.

Was going to make one but after reading about all the issues with eating gems, I think I will pass.


Definitely not interested. Flat out 0 hype for this race.


just did one 10-50 for heritage rq, i might go back and finish leveling them (bought dalaran prepatch gear in preparations)

but i still have level 70s to get leveled

Ya I just read about the eat gems for mana… hard pass.


I’ll make one, prolly a hunter, lvl it to 50 for the heritage set then delete it. I tried to make one earlier but Wrathion and Ebyssian are talking about how the dragon isles awaits while cutting off the intro cut scene so I’ll wait on that.

Not until there is a way of them regenerating health/mana out of combat without food. One person suggested being seated outside of combat would regen at the same rate as mage food, that’d be fine. Or making special “gem food” just for them that’s the same price as regular food (that’d be cool racial flavor). SOMETHING.


I’m not.

They ugly.

Like all WoW Dwarves.

Rock and Stone?

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As someone who made the mistake of race changing before knowing about the gem eating disaster… Don’t do it.

I even requested a refund on the race change (I know it won’t happen) and submitted feedback about how horrible the racial is.

If you don’t care about performance in m+/raid/pvp, then at least they look cool.


No thank you

unfortunately i have all specs and classes covered. will probably make one but not play it just because i don’t need yet ANOTHER one of x class…

do they get better casting animations or is it just more standard dwarf casting? bleh, why do I ask lol I know the answer.

i’ll do it. but it wont be one of my main alts, or my backup alts that eventually get played. :confused:

Maybe, eventually. I’ll make a Dark iron Dwarf before I do an Earthen though.

I wanted to but their racial is really bad.

I have a dark iron paladin that I was thinking of switching over but I’ll have to see how they handle the racials. Maybe also a shaman

Yeah this is basically disabling right now. Unless Blizzard changes this, Earthen will become the absolute meme race of WoW overnight.

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Dwarves as a hole just aren’t an interesting race imo. No hate towards them, but I just have zero interest in playing them. Happy for the people that are going to be playing them though.

I wish I didn’t now, but I race swapped to one. Going to use another token to change to something else. Shame, I was excited for them too.

I made it, did the quests, got to SW and got xmog, then I deleted it. Mission Accomplished.

I made a shaman. Ill have to see what this issue is with the gem eating though