Whos is what role this time?

After fighting through the nerubians, im starting to wonder the intent of blizzard regarding Anduin. Should he still be recognized as a priest althought the use of plate gear makes that somewhat obsolete, or should he be a paladin?

At this point, he is more a replacement for Arthas, having gone through the same trials but pausing to question them.

Its like the paladin chain from Lordaeron is all but history and a new one is forged from Stormwind. Turalyon and Anduin being replacements for Arthas and Uther in a manner.

I am also questioning the intent of Valeria since shes a shadow user but in a White garb?

I was kind of hoping she would be more geared towards her shadowy self but i suppose it would collide with Xal’atath’s appearance.

I decided to do a breakdown since there is a hero for every class.

Thrall - Shaman
Tyrande - Warrior/Priest
Jaina/Khadgar - Mage
Illidain - Demon Hunter
Valeria - Hunter/shadow priest
Matthias Shaw - Rogue
Aysa/Ji - Monk
Bolvar Fordragon - Death Knight
Anduin - Priest/Paladin
Turalyon - Priest/Paladin
Malfurion - Druid
Azurathel - Evoker

So at this point, who is the Warlock hero/Leader? Gul’dan was more a villain, but who is his/its replacement?

Can’t count Medivh since Khadgar is his replacement and we only saw him in Legion.

Ritssyn. That’s probably the closest.

Nothing about Tyrande is Warrior-esque, she’s always been Hunter/Priest if anything like the other PotM.

Turalyon was a priest who became a paladin (vs the other original 4 who were knights who became paladins), but currently/since the Second War he’s no more priest than any other paladin.

As for Anduin, he’s explicitly a priest who just wears plate, according to the devs at Blizzcon back in 2017.

Anduin just found a cosmetic plate transmog is all… :grin: