With the extended maintence and raid, mythic+ and pvp starting next week I bet there will be some big class nerfs on the way. Who do you think is getting nerfed?
They’re not broken or anything, but it is tradition.
I think we’re more likely to see small adjustments to some soulbinds/covenant abilities before pure class buff/debuffs.
dks, hunters, rogues are probably all nerfbat targets right now for various reasons
Prot paladin. They’re too much fun.
Sub rogues 100%, no way they can remain 10/10 BEST at everything.
hopefully protection paladin. they are absolutely and undeniably overpowered.
Same with disc
Did you really just type best at everything?
Were getting nerfed hands down. The one time UH is good and we become FOTM and were gonna get wrecked. I’m calling it now. Ill still play this toon since this is my only toon…lol…But I saw the writing on the wall during pre-patch.
I will honestly be surprised if we DONT get nerfed but rather buffed.
I think they should nerf Jaina Proudmoore because she is too tall, she has tons of mana, she can make allies invisible, and her spells look much cooler than other Mages. Also I want them to nerf the layer 3+ Torghast bosses because they do too much damage for my smallie non-healers to handle. Please nerf Legion raids and also make it so that rogues get a “you have been deleted oops” message every time they try to log in. Thank you!
My money is on MM Hunter, tbh.
legion raids will be nerfed
i hope
prot pally, unholy dk, rogue, hunters, spriests, frost mage (maybe/hopefully cuz I just really hate frost) also expecting to see a nightfae and minor kyrian nerf, maybe a buff to necrolord and possibly a very slight buff to venthyr.
Spriests, UHDK, MM hunter, Sub Rogue
If you’re playing your character and thing “gee I’m having a lot more fun than usual” then you’re probably gonna get hit with a nerf.
I’m loving ret pally in dungreons right now using divine toll, but as far as I know our divine toll can be OP in pvp which could get the pve aspect nerfed to the ground.
DK is fine bro wdym
Haha, don’t be silly friends, unholy won’t get nerfed
It’s not like DK’s have been mediocre DPS for several xpacs now except for a few niche moments, no way would we get gutted 2 weeks into an expansion of actually being good
UHDK is completely broken lolz
Emissary and Paragon gold getting nerfed, not sure why though. If anything it benefits the gold token sales, brings players back to nearly deserted zones every so often, and Shadowlands Calling gives more gold on a regular basis.