So, it turns out, this little guy is ADORABLE, and I did not even spot him for almost an hour after running HH. Just sat there, in my bag, waiting to get out… SO CUTE
did you have the curses on? or not
Arfus is the best thing ever.
On that run I did not. I was on my Mage and she be squishy, so did not want to risk it.
Arfus did nothing wrong, he’s a good boy
TYVM! It’s ironic cause I saw another thread today with someone saying they have been farming him on multiple alts for multiple years. I only just found out he existed today, and then he drops while running my 4th character today. #Blessed I Battle pets!
He will continue to be a bad boy in my books, until he jumps into my bags of course!
This made me giggle!
Arthas got reincarnated into Arfus!
no u op.
Arfus is no good, 'eh?
Arfus is indeed a very good boy, and actually helps you solo Kel’thuzad in Sanctum of Domination.
I am not kidding, by the way. He’s sitting inside the arena, invincible and constantly drawing aggro from Kel and his minions so that you can enter the phylactery without resetting the fight. It was a really creative decision to make the fight solo-able without erasing the entirety of the mechanics.
Forever salty that Arfus, a pet, cannot be caged and traded. Absolute trash design by Blizzard.
There’s no reason a pet shouldn’t be tradeable beyond being an annoyance to the playerbase.
Or maybe, like mounts, it ensures it stays treasured by the finder. I hope you get him this season.