Both WoW Retail and Classic swear they need to be updated. When I attempt to do that, I get taken back to the error message above. Every time. I’ve followed the trouble-shooting steps, including uninstall and reinstall of the game. The problem started this week with an attempted update to Classic, then hit Retail tonight.
Using intel or M1 mac?
It updated fine on my intel mac, but my M1 mac gets stuck…
I’m starting to think they genuinely don’t test M1 at all. the only reason they even “support” us is because they wanted arm windows support anyways, we were just a lucky afterthought…That’s all Mac support is these days. I’ll honestly be shocked at this point if mac support even makes it through 10.x (next expansion). It’ll probably be there for 10.0 but mark my words somewhere between 10.0 and 11.0 we’ll see it vanish (no this isn’t insider information, just speculation, but the writing is on the wall and has been for a while)
I’m using Intel, running OS Catalina on a 15" MacBook Pro. It would be a shame to lose Mac support, if that’s what you think is coming. I’ve enjoyed this game for years on my Mac.
For what it’s worth, when I hit the Update it says “Fetching CDN Config,” and that’s when everything comes to a stop and I get the “whoops” message.
Updating to note that this has hit Burning Crusade Classic, too.
I’m here because the exact same thing is happening to me. Now I’m stuck in an endless loop of scanning
After one more scan I’m going to stop it and try installing and reinstalling.
I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling, deleting the agent folder and the battle net folder and relaunching. I’ve tried restarting my computer. It’s a mess and nothing I do gets me past the scanning loop.
“Whoops” and “Sorry you can’t update Classic while the other is repairing and then vice versa”
I’m having the same issue… So what? I can’t play anymore?
I’ve done all the troubleshooting and it’s all boiled down to something Blizzard has done - “Whoops!” Please fix this blizzard.
I too am caught in the scanning loop from hell. Every time it completes and says repairs will begin, it just starts scanning again. Been like this for a day and night.
Same issue showed up here on intel mac as well for the first time ever and it’s not going away after Repair etc.
Same issue, running Catalina. Tried everything, no luck.
Same issue too. I can open warcraft directly and play it. updates of course will be come an issue.
I’m having the same issue. It’s happened since before Thanksgiving. I get the “whoops” error. I try uninstalling/reinstalling. Sometimes I get the “whoops” error when reinstalling. I walk away for a week. I come back, i can install and play. Or i’ve had the game installed, get the “whoops” error and I’m stuck in scan/repair hell. I walk away for a week or more. Come back, I can login and everything is fine. I can’t believe it’s taking them this long to figure this out. On top of all of us paying a subscription to a game we can’t access. This is beyond frustrating!
When I saw that Mac got dropped from D4, I started specing a gaming PC.