Who wants a Character pic? (on hold)

Your name looks very familiar… have I done one in the past?

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Doesn’t look like it. Unless you’ve changed your name.

“Magnarok” by Friday of Turalyon:

“Mag” by Keibrina:

“Mag” by Mauscha:

By the way I just looked at your work and damn, it’s amazing! So I hope you don’t think I’m taking the piss with these, let’s say simpler pieces. I genuinely do love them. <3

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Is your alt by chance Doodlegnome? she use to come here and do drawings all the time I miss her :frowning:

Those look nice, if your still going I’d like one

I’m interested. sign me up.

I’d love one!

(cries) Arthas has made your people very mean :sob:

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Nope, Doodlegnome is/was Pauluum or something like that…

Check mine, is possible or too complicated?

They are super cute too.

I hope this doesn’t disqualify me…

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Ooooo I would love one! :open_mouth: These are awesome!!

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You mean be hideous now but you have a lot of…potential…as an elf I had to make the joke.

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I think that drawing of Stompypotato is the best thing I’ve seen all day, and it’s not even noon yet. :joy:

OP, if you’re still drawing people, I would love to volunteer as tribute!

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I have considered race changing…maybe even faction…

You want cute? Here’s a Chibi one of Vixie I did a while back to tide you over…



Those are actually pretty good!

Pick me pls, this grumpy, jaded Panda needs something nice to happen.

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Hm, these pictures lack grump. I challenge you to make someone look grumpy!

Or Chibi Melaroi (When she was still a spacegoat)



I would love one if you choose me! I have removed my helmet so you can see my face:) Thanks for this its awesome.

-Matt from Proudmoore

How do I get chosen for one of these?