Who wants a Character pic? (on hold)

Am I in queue to get one as well man?

You’re artwork is really amazing

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You mean your “prettier than a blood elf” version…? Cooooooooooud beeeeeee? :smiley:

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Hiya Sylvan! This is Jaylisra nightborne Hunter with Heritage Armor and shoulders that would be difficult. Can you do this character for me? i responded previously in thread #105. This toon is Jahqu my newest AR I love him and i have recently started getting into balance druid and loving it after the Feral nerf coming off Legion into BFA. I know you have a list and in queue your artwork is just absolutely fabulous. #bowspolitely


Ok this is legit. Idk if you can even capture my mage’s face with this mog but if you do kudos for you.

You do what you need to do, dollface! We’ll be here :slight_smile:


wow, we’ve almost hit 750 posts in this thread, that’s amazing.


Sure, why not

No surprise. Sylvan has created a haven from the whiners.

They won’t find us here. They’re virtually mute in here. Hehehe.

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I want one.

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If you do hers please draw her juggling or having a big word bubble saying “I love balls!”


Not only was the original comment hysterical, I can’t think of a funnier followup! :rofl:

I just create pretty pictures; YOU guys created the “haven”! :smiley:

speaking of which, Hi Haven, if you’re still here!

Update: Mute is about half done… I am still suuuuuuuuuuuuper busy. :open_mouth:

Somebody bump this please. I may have Mute ready today!


Okay, here’s a bump for ya.

(Zarissa is my alt. I might’ve asked for this character, but I already got a commission of her with my druid.)

htt ps://www.deviantart .com/barn-swallow/art/Commission-Syandria-and-Cassima-606556307

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Could I get a picture?

Wow you’re such an awesome person for this🐧

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WoW! Barn Swallow is REALLY good! :open_mouth:

This Troll intrigues me… :smiley:

Thank you!


it’s not a sylvan piece, but it’s still a great piece of character art.


Your art is lovely Sylvan. I’d like one of this girl being a rawry rawrior at your convenience. Just so you know I’m interested :smiley:


I have a really really reeeeeeeeeally long list of requests, that I can’t ever get to all of. Plus, side pic ideas also strike me sometimes. Check back though, I’ll never say to anyone “You’re not ever getting a sketch” :smiley:


I remember when you posted this thread and I just wanted to say that you’re a saint for doing as much as you did. I never asked for one because I saw what it was turning into. :joy:


You’ve made so many nice drawings of others but have you made one of your rogue? She’s so cute ^.^

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