From my understanding, it’s ahead of FS around 10-15% in raid and keys. I don’t know if that’s worth switching a playstyle I’m familiar and comfortable with. It’s just really frustrating feeling guilty if I continue playing FS knowing I’m not squeezing out the most damage I could be doing if I switch to AR. Curious your guys thoughts.
I play Reaver by default . . . .
Just seemed more fun to me . . .
Does take some time getting used to.
Knowing what to use after tossing your Reaver Amped Glaive takes some practice:
Chaos Strike first, Blade Dance second for more glaives
Blade Dance first, Chaos Strike second for a stronger single target debuff on the enemy.
I like it more than the Fel Scarred.
Just what I think.
And a note, the Reaver Amped Glaive benefits off the glaive toss bleed talent as well. Can get a strong DOT with that glaive.
Supposedly that matters way less now too, worrying about what to buff/use lol
the bigger benefit is the shields you gain from aldrachi compared to fs. which helps defense that dh is lacking
I’m switching. I hated momentum/inertia forever but I still played it. I still hate it. I think Havoc DH peaked in BFA, but I still play it.
I don’t even know why I do this. If it weren’t for my guild I’d probably have quit the game ages ago.
I just wish it didn’t feel god awful to play. And I like the aesthetic of FS more.
AR isn’t difficult.
In ST it doesn’t matter which order you use bd and cs. The thing you want is thrill of the fight buff.
In aoe it’s similar but if you can do cs then bd go for it but don’t put too much thought into it.
Crazy how many are so adverse to playing AR. I’ve played them both over the last few months and enjoy AR way more.
Honestly… this lol
As someone who played strictly FS and now switching to AR, i can say that AR feels more satisfying but not as bursty… that or i’m doing my rotation wrong
Are you holding essence break before the buff? Seems like to me the right thing to get the 6 blade dance swipes to do 80% more damage? Seems like another buff to track into our micro burst window.
I don’t think it’s hard, and honestly I’m glad they got Fel Rush out of the rotation. My complaint is the RNG nature of soul generation. Still better than momentum.
I have been playing AR since it came out and honestly i found it quite fun compared to fel scared. It honestly really felt i had a real reason to use throw glaive. It really played to the theme of also throwing your glaive as you fight.
There are so many times im going through my rotation and i get into a really fun rhythm. And it really feels like a fight scene in a fast pace battle. Chaos strike this fool then blade dance the three minions following ooo wait i got souls throw glaive and another group coming behinde me, and i cut them down like nothing and my glaive flys right back into my hand like thor’s hammer.
Once you get it down it has a nice rhythm to it, it also has its own type of burst. I would give it a try
I can feel that, I’m still getting used to the switch. I think it does more damage overall there’s just more ramping up to be done. Where with Felscar you can just blast aoe damage without a care haha
Not that I really did serious content last season, but I was already Aldrachi on my DH on both specs last season. Just felt better to play to me.
HDH in BfA was the most broken OP thing I’ve ever played in any game that I finally stopped playing it cause it felt like cheating and got boring with how easy it was.
Could full heal and dodge with your DPS buttons, so you literally just needed 3 buttons 90% of the time to be Godly.
Not that you’re saying to revert back to that, but I’ve seen people frequently mention how great it was and I’m like it should never have been allowed to go live like that in the first place.
i play VDH looking to hit 2-2.5k in a season.
i have been listening to the idea of switching into aldrachi because of the tankiness it brings.
but I find the reaver’s glaive procs to be way too random for my tastes.
the fel scarred cycle reducing cooldowns on meta and fel dev just make it much more dependable and consistent. as a tank, I want that dependability.
some aldrachi builds confuse me inasmuch as they don’t take spirit bomb. since the reaver proc needs you to consume souls, spirit bomb consumes up to 5 while soul cleave only consumes 2. spirit bomb feels like it should be the driver of the proc rather than soul cleave since you need 2.5 more cooldowns to consume the necessary souls to proc it. but, as I noted, there are recommended builds that don’t even take bomb. hence my confusion.
when I have played around not pressing spirit bomb, I have entire pulls where I don’t get a reavers proc. i feel like I can generally control fel scarred such that I have meta and/or fel dev at the start of a pull. I feel no such control with aldrachi.
At least DH had a defensive back then that did anything.
i dont think you need reaver unless your really pushing cutting edge keys. where stuff like better soul monger comes in handy and the prio st of reaver starts being better than fs raw damage
i think its still gonna be a majority fs for all content. especially cause spb for threat is very nice
no one should be playing without spb unless they know how the spec works inside and out can be 100% be aggressive enough to push a nospb build to its limit
I haven’t been able to play since the patch I prefer to tank. I know FS its what I have been since release is AR worth the switch. like stated above I know what I can do with FS but AR will be completely new to me. IS the tankiness worth the switch?