/who Orgrimmar = 8 people

They don’t connect high pop realms together. All realms that are connected are all low pop realms. So I don’t know what to tell you there. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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He’s just standing there…MENACINGLY! :scream:


I know they’ll never do it due to the signal to the market it would have, but I really wish they would just merge a bunch of realms together. This whole “connected” thing. IDK. Seems whack to me.

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When Whisperwind was connected years ago, it was listed as high pop.

Aggramar was listed as full when it was connected to Fizzcrank. It still is.

So your statement is false.

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Saturdays can be very busy working days – the same with Fridays.

Try logging on in your local area afternoon time zone. Then your tradechat will be booming with activity.

Gonna vouch for my own thread in this thread. Take a look at some of the data I posted. Truly the work of a crazed WoW fan.

Phasing can make even crowded areas look empty. I’m not a fan of that particular bit of technology.

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When I referenced /who being broken earlier in this thread, I meant it. I was in Korthia this morning, and there were 6 other (at least) Whisperwind players killing rares with me. Only myself and a paladin showed up on the /who Korthia when I ran it. I ran it at least 5 times, same result every time.

Who knows what the real /who numbers are.


Who nose.


Connected Realms are just smart mergers. It’s the best way to do it so that people don’t lose names and guild names. Once actual mergers happen and people lose server names, character names and guild names… people quit. I’ve watched it happen in other games. It sucks.

Whisperwind was never high pop. And if you’re referring to the in game login screen, they messed with that and had my server as high pop once.

Connected Realms are meant to take the lower pop realms and link them. Technically Sentinels was usually considered medium pop, but we absolutely weren’t. And we’ve only got two connections. Aegwynn has four.

Now, I’ll concede that you’re right and the four together may be medium pop now. And with that since it’s a normal server will absolutely have a higher rIO than an RP realm.

Though I still think using a /who in Org during an entire expansion set in a different realm at 10:30am on a Saturday is a bad example.

But I’ll remove the server part from the equation, since we don’t have numbers outside of rIO.

Also: where did you come up with the notion that I hate rIO? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Waiting on a pvp queue that never happened in 25 minutes. Level 19 twink, XP turned off. Was hoping for some fun :slight_smile:

Yeah WoW is dead and everyone moved to New World
It’s not even me posting this, I’m just a Blizzard Bot

Yes it was. For almost a decade, it was listed as high pop. on the in game login screen. I would know, I spent quite a bit of real life money transferring to Whisperwind because of it being listed as a high pop. server for as long as it was. It’s kind of the reason I transferred (also, it had an Alliance population within the 10 ten of all NA servers). I’ll take Blizzard’s classification of a high pop server over your own.

Also in the first decade of this game, Whisperwind was routinely locked because of its high population. There were realms created as destination realms for Whisperwind’s massive population (comparatively at that point in the game). Source: people in my guild that played during Vanilla, also Wowpedia and WoWWiki’s archive. Not sure why you’re so confident in Whisperwind never being high pop. when that is the most false thing I’ve ever read on these forums in a long time.

Also: where did you come up with the notion that I hate rIO? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe hate wasn’t the best word, but you definitely said it was inaccurate.

People play the forum game on Sat morning until they wake up :stuck_out_tongue: Get with the times!


Forum is more fun than WoW wth


Which was broken beyond belief. It was a huge topic of discussion back then. As I said, even my server was listed as high pop then. But I digress. It’s not worth the the argument. I already changed what I said:

So there. Done and done.

It’s accurate for those who do M+. Not everyone does M+ was my point. So that’s only the population of who does M+. Therein lies the issue.

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Sleeping in late > WoW

/ who is bugged I think and no reason to be in orgrimmar.
Time of day also plays a role.


It’s funny when people talk about the time of day. It’s dead because people are working. It’s dead because it’s a long weekend. It’s dead because it’s too early. It’s not limited to Orgrimmar either.

Do you want to know why it’s dead? Because there are not a lot of people playing this game anymore.

Filling groups, queueing for a heroic as a tank, finding someone to craft a 235 base item, all of these things are harder now. If you’re in warmode, God help you. Stop making excuses, the game didn’t used top be like this. Just because there isn’t 5000 threads about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.


Depending on the server, the game was like this, even in WotLK. Illidan Alliance, Mal’Ganis Alliance, and Kel’Thuzad Horde have been /who wastelands for over a decade.