Who is your favorite forum poster?


You sir
have earned this

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Just trying to keep the good vibes a going lad.

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just means your a chad, cause they keep the vibes goin.

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I feel like being correct is more important than decency. or being a favorite.

But then I have to remind myself that everyones mind is already made up and we may all get nuked anyways. So maybe being decent has value.

I was just thinking that myself when I read this exactly, we do tend to remember bad experiences more then positive ones, don’t we?

I think it’s not necessarily a bad thing when we remember the bad things that happened to us, as that prevents us from putting ourselves into the same situations in the future, so it’s important that we remember

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Tseric, but he hasn’t posted in years.

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you guys are right, its a survival thing, just as it’s a survival that we used to climb trees, tho since we walk more then ever, that means some people are born without five toes. just 4, its weird

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yes i love you
in my mouth as a goat burger.

I don’t disagree, and remember that something being less important does not mean that its value is zero. Being correct could get you 70 brownie points, but being polite might get you 40. But being correct and polite? 110 brownie points! 110 > 70.

What are brownie points? I don’t know! But I think it’s an internet thing and I hope it’s not something dirty.


Like online people on the forums? I think that that one Council Member, Maizou has good posts. There are a few others I’ve seen that are funny.

This is a tough one!

I don’t believe they post anymore, but I loved Ralph the panda. He was so funny with his threads. I think they were a bit trolly, but I always found them entertaining.

I went through my profile and found my top likes. The first top liked person was Eloraell, but they don’t post anymore. Next up is Kaivax, but they’re a blue so I don’t think that counts. That leaves


And then Rita the Gnome! And then Tovi the Tauren! And finally Nyraria the Tauren.

Grumbles! And he gives cookies!


I :blue_heart: you all. Even those posts that I start reading and may dislike or find annoying, I try to just scroll past instead of letting it sour any opinions, and I don’t put anyone on ignore.

I extra-like too many to single out and list because I’d feel bad if I forgot to name someone; however, I’m going to mention one character that only made a single very innocent, cute post, and so has never had the chance to disappoint anyone: Uhuras (stormrage).

It was just an innocent little post about their cute gnome hunter with an Uhura look and transmog (this was months before Nichelle Nichols died) that inspired a GIF. It was just a happy little post, and it still reminds me that there can be positivity on here even when there’s a lot of negativity.


Your gifs are amazing. What do you use to make them?


TY very much.

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Narcissus Add-on, OBS, Vegas Pro, photoshop, Dithertron sometimes if I need to better optimize low-color dithering (either for aesthetics and/or for filesize optimizations), some other random tools, and a lot of


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( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)


My favorites are the ones that hand out cookies :wink: and also have a like to liked ratio that is somewhat close to even.
Some posters are just generous that way and take the time to appreciate others. Thats why they are the favorites.

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