Who is your favorite Blizzard character?

Anduin and Jainia. Though I love Jonny Awesome he was a hoot.


The little Gnome is an often disrespected though sophisticated little time tinker. Perhaps even related to Chromie.

I’m a warlock main in disguise, they made destro so unfun i’ve been playing hunter since bfa.

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Overall, Jim Raynor of Starcraft.

He manages to stay awesome throughout :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tirion Fordring always had lore that wrenched my heart, but on another controversial note, Anduin is becoming a new favorite. Unlike many other characters, they’re giving him a strong focus and up front reasons to feel for him. Following him from the kid who almost got nuked by Onyxia, to having a bell crush him when he ran off and tried to make peace, chasing after his father’s legacy in Legion, to becoming Arthas 2.0… man, poor kid.

Feel like I’ve gotten to watch him grow up through all of this.

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This ^^^^^

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REXXAR no reason, or explanation necessary. REXXAR fans just know.


Illidan Stormrage.

Probably Raynor.

Warcraft is a tossup between Cairne and Gul’Dan.

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Adarrah and Bud come to mind. I think she’d make a fun drinking companion.

Illidan Stormrage:

Absolutely 0 F’s given for anyone not 110% on board with getting the job done and the most grounded realist of all our so-called leaders.

McCree and Hanzo. Together. :sunglasses:

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As was previously stated, Bwonsamdi is the real MVP. I wish he smack talked all of my characters’ deaths.

I also love Dhadgar. Such well-done voice acting for that character. No matter what craziness was going on, he always made me feel like things could be sorted out. I wish Master Bra’tac, er, I mean Dhadgar would return and help us smite the Jailer.


WoW: Toss up between Flynn, Bwonsamdi, and Khadgar…
OW: Gneji, I like his good-natured snark XD.
Also: everybody running around with guns in OW Genji: “I have a sword…”

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Budd, because he’s “SAAAAAAILLLLLLLLING!”

Alexei Stukov

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Archangel Imperius from Diablo 3.

He is so kick butt and no nonsense attitude. He is what a leader should be!

Diablo 3 is one of my favorite games and I even like it more than WoW!

On Starcraft 2, I gotta like Tycus Findlay. Yeah he was predictable, but he had a good voice and neat one-liners.

For WoW, it would be hard, I guess I like Tirion Fordring the most. He was never ruined like the other WoW characters. He had a true moral compass and had compassion for brotherhood regardless of race or faction.

100% agree. Tirion is a total bad@$$ and it’s his uncompromising faith, loyalty, and morality that make home such a compelling character.

For other blizzard properties, my favorite is 76. I just love his dadness.

Garrosh is one of the few great OC the WoW team have designed. Most of their OC is junk and even when they bring WC3 characters into the mix they find a way to screw them up (cough cough Arthas), but Garrosh is just :ok_hand:

His arc was so solid. It’s hilarious to me that one of the coolest parts of SoD was a throw-away cameo from Garrosh.

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Guy took no guff from anyone

The Arbiter, this ancient thing designed to judge souls and Garrosh was like

“Nah, you’re wrong”

Plus that final dig at thrall was just beautiful