One completely random character that I think’s awesome is Myra Tyrngaarde. She’s the bread vendor who roams around Ironforge. She’s a cool NPC – just a content soul trying to make good breads for people.
The funniest NPC to me is Einar the Runecaster in Skyhold. He has a very sour disposition and absolutely hates everyone who interacts with him. He’s hilarious.
The most annoying NPC to me is Odyn. I know, I really shouldn’t feel like that since I’m a warrior, but the guy is completely obnoxious. All this ‘prove your valor’ mess… ugh. Like dang dawg, if I really wanted to get all into the honor of battle thing, I’d have rolled Horde and played an Orc. I’m a Dwarf you big titan punk. Chill out with valor proving already! There’s more to being a warrior than just killing everybody. I like plants Odyn. Did you know I like plants Odyn? I like Halloween too. I like pumpkins, Odyn! But do you ask me for a nice jack-o-lantern? No! It’s always just prooooove your Valorrrrr. Ask me where you can shove my valor, Odyn. Go ahead, ask me.
Varok Saurfang is my favorite Orc, ever. A lot of people have hated him or just been indfifferent, but I have absolute admiration for that character. If there is an Orc worth my tears and my blood, it’s Varok Saurfang.
My most hated NPC is Sylbarfas. She is the unequivocal sum of all things hated. Period. Plot armor and story arcs be damned, that wicked entity is irredeemable and needs to eternally die. I say eternally, because blizzard never truly kills anyone off. She needs to be the exception. She needs to DIE.
Let’s see, who else… hmm…
You know, actually I think I could keep writing here far longer than what I really want to. There are so many characters that I have strong feelings about.
Malthael. I even have a jacket themed after them
Hanzo and McCree. I count them together because I still ship them. Shut up.
Abathur and Zagara. Heck the Zerg in general really.
Flynn and Shaw. They’re both snacks.
Denathrius because he made me feel things when he went “Shhhh. Don’t speak. Observe.” in that one cutscene.
Anduin. Yeah I said it.
Marileth, Theotar, all the Stoneborn, Moonberry, The Accuser, Pelagos
Varian and then Garrrosh, but mostly Varian. Manly man and best warrior, but now that he’s gone the story gotten boring w/o him. I miss his energy that made Alliance look super cool.
WoW: Garrosh.
He said the naughty word and called Sylvanas what she was. He was unapologetic even to the end. Also, he was warchief during my impressionable years and he’s pretty much what I imagine a Horde leader being like. Confident, tough, warlike.
Starcraft: Alarak.
I really like his voice acting and his personality. He’s got so much character.
Overwatch: McCree. Because that’s his name, and also… he’s voiced by Matt Mercer. What’s not to like? Admittedly Genji or Soldier: 76 are close seconds
Heroes of the Storm: Raven Lord.
Same voice actor as Nathanos. I like sarcastic characters.
He IS the best leader currently. He had the best storyline thanks to the miracle that was Legion . When he finally had enough to KJ and just ran o fight him was great.
Whitemane is very awesome as a character TBH. She was even better fleshed out in HotS.