Cannot deny max level gear for casuasls they will be leaving.
I told this multiple times.
Why is it obvious for a random people on internet and not clear to the devs?
WOW is terrible for pvp players as it has always, but still better than in SL and BFA.
WOW never been better for casuals.
WOW never been good for new players but never been better for them as it is rn.
Every time i try to play again old games i used to love i cant find the happiness i have in my memory…
whats the difference between systematic discrimination and just discrimination?
That’s a bit unrelated and I would disagree. There are problems with the way gearing works in the current game and specifically with the upgrade tracks but casual meeting an end because they won’t do some endgame content which is generally harder is not the game fault, what is the game fault is them reaching an end way sooner in their own content/difficulty. An obvious example would be champion track being upgradeable up to par with hero track unless you get gilded that’s nonsense.
It’s made for ALL of those people you said it’s not made for… you’re just creating a rage thread.
One is systematic and one ain’t
Jokes aside: Its a behavior pattern used within structures of organizations. As well as laws.
Example: Political Disempowerment. Segregation. Environmental Injustice like what happened in Black Flint, Michigan.
It’s the McDonald’s of MMORPG’s. It does just enough to appeal to most people but it doesn’t do anything particularly well. Which is why titles like FFXIV had no problem making in-roads on WoW’s market segment. FFXIV is more casual friendly, doesn’t drown you in system nonsense, actively encourages you to take a break if you’re bored instead of resenting you for it, and- current expansion withstanding- the story doesn’t suck. And while it’s new player experience isn’t great, it’s better than World of Warcraft’s.
Warcraft when from three games predicated on race wars and genocide to uh… cartoon rabbits. And fart jokes. And writers inserting self-inserts and using the plot as an excuse for therapy. And Dragonflight.
Just, all of it.
Made by elitist Jerks for elitist jerks,
Bro vanilla had poop jokes and most of the characters were inserts for metzen
Maybe one or two?
Thrall wasn’t a major presence in '04 WoW and Malfurion wasn’t even in the game.
Its made for the millions of people that play it.
Seems to me you found your answer already.
I feel the same way. No factions wars. Pvp is dead , especially in retail , and the game feels terrible right now. Like WoW has lost it’s identity. As a Horde player the game is bad right now.
Its made for DH’s come to the dark side.
Thrall and Wrynn I meant. Yes I know the king didn’t show up til a lil bit but still. That dude was all over the place in the voice cast
Blizzard no longer employs the type of talent to CREATE a unique game experience. Indy stuidios do that now
There really isn’t such a thing as a original unique thought anymore so expecting studios to be THAT unique ain’t really gonna work
If Activision knew how to make a good MMO, they wouldn’t have had to acquire Blizzard.