you leave my father out of this!
I look at Azeroth the world soul as the Nexus, or convergence of all these powers.
When we stopped FRYAAK, it had to have been the final resolution of the emerald dream component. The world tree being the pinnacle of life in both the spirit world and in the real world.
So that takes us into the final conflict of the shadow/light. Xalatath and Murozond as actors. It’s quite possible that another dragon could take the aspect of shadow, or it could be an alternate infinite dragonflight version That forces the finite and the infinite, in a balance of power.
Much like our fixing the Shadowlands fates of mortals. We adjust so that there isn’t a best timeline, but that all timelines are secure and safe.
Which means that Nozdormu in the last Titan (Azeroth herself) explains the choice of infinite timelines. A true free will not the Jailers lie.
Thereby, setting the stage for us to leave behind the old World of Warcraft embark on a new journey or Journeys of a Multiverse.
And that there are villains of our established past existing in a corrupt state or degrees of instability/lack of harmony. As teased foreshadowed by these recent time rifts.
Not my fault if your father likes eating Chilli fries as most of his diet
As far as known, there isn’t one.
There are quite a few who have tried (and some are trying to be) though.
Must we have endless conflicts for balance?
If he truly were a divine entity, I would worship him without question.