Who is the

I know it is probably meant as an easter egg, but there was a video with Chromie where she has like a TV and is flipping channels wanting to show us something and one of the channels she pops up is a SC2 cutscene on the Zerg invading Korhals I think where she says something like “whoops wrong channel/timeline” or “oops too far in the future” or something…implying that she is aware of zerg and thus the SC2 universe.

And obviously the Protoss share artwork/designs with the Draenei and Zerg forces look an awful lot like Burning Legion demons.


It’s Rita restraining the power of her husband. :beach_umbrella:

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I heard it was Bob’s turn this month to be guardian. Why?

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Bliz’Zard, the Zereth one.

Carol, God of Chaos.

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Tom Bombadil


Ya know, I was trying not to spread that information around. Now everybody in my guild will know, just perfect.

(Sips :beer:)

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Me, and I am very disappointed…

You forgot too eat your vegetables!

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That is a good question…

I don’t have an answer for it.

I humbly accept your fealty.

That’s fox, not cat…but I understand, and forgive, your mistake.

Fite me.

Oh, wait…you’re a smol and cute holy priest too.

Ok, fine. We’ll go halfzies. Does a rotating shift work for you?

Gamon. Gamon will save us all.

For WoW? I don’t think there really is any. I think there’s just factions at war over their version of balance or power or order.


I don’t think there is one cosmic lord. 6 and 7 are one and the same. A crack in the pattern.

One event broke the Pattern. Something from within not outside. I call it the Nothing. The realm of the Narrow ones. Not gods, not demons, not part of the six cosmic forces. A choice. A whim. An unplanned bubble in the perfect creation.

We are the children of six…to make the 7th. We sing the song of creation. We weave the Pattern by living. The 6 are our own aspects.

The war within is within us. The crack in Anduin is but a mirror of us. Of losing balance. Of losing control. Of identity.

By endless conflict, we achieve harmony. A song. The fracture of our shadowlands is but the cosmos (us) being divided and the song that sustains our reality is but cacophony and slowly like a gyroscope is losing balance and will unmake us all.

Life, order, disorder, death and shadow have had their expansions. Their conflict in balance. This leaves the last two.

The two shards who remain to have unbalanced the Pattern, the song not sung correctly and thus our World Soul Saga. To glue the whole.

War to recognize the doom, the war against something final and greatest in the midnight void and its counterpart in the light. A titan of equal power, but it needs the void…or some component to set it within a harmonious boundary.

Then like broken pieces of a prism are we put back together.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


That’s frightening poetic nonsense.

I’m going to applaud and back away slowly.

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MarveL: The Living Tribunal.
DC: The Presence.
WoW: Gnomes.

The question is there’s only 5 dragon aspects accounted for and Nozdormu is an unchecked power. There should be a sixth. Six to guard over us and all things. To keep the harmony.

Neltharion is death (Deathwing)
Alexstrasza is disorder (open conflict resolution, leader, challenge)
Nozdormu is Holy (time/light)
Ysera is life (dreams, youth, mother and rebirth)
Malygos is order (arcane, father, secretive, lost)

What is the shadow dragon? Murozond?
(Darkness, eternity aka infinite flight)

That will be Midnight

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I don’t think the aspects need any strong links to different forces - after all, they were originally all infused with order magic to empower them (now … well, it’s a little fuzzy where their power now comes from but Vyranoth isn’t protesting)

Some grey haired old guy farted out the universe.

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