Been killing Lord Aurius Rivendare for a little while and every now and then, either during the fight (I just leg Rivendare slap me around for a bit) or sometimes after the fight, this ribbon looking NPC spawns in. Humanoid in only the basic of looks. Legs, head and eyes. Can’t interact with it or even target it.
Of course as I have played today the little SoB hasn’t spawn for me to get a screenshot.
Who/What is it?
ah i get that on my rogue. is it almost invisible to you
semi-transparent, yes. I’m clearing the place out on my druid atm…maybe why I haven’t seen him today. My Rogue was doing this the other days.
If it looks like this, it’s because you have the red sword from Zereth Mortis in your bags:
Otherwise, I can’t really think of what you mean from your description. What’s a “ribbon NPC?” An ethereal?
That’s not him. Way to much detail. Take the head flame, make two red’ish and one blue for the legs. Add a head, don’t recall the color, with eyes. I also do not possess the sword.
That sounds like a model that’s supposed to spawn in but doesn’t fully load so all that loads in basically is some assets.
You can take a screenshot and upload to imgur.
You can then post picture links here by putting ` at the start and end.
It will look like this
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Without a screenshot, I have no idea what it could be. Only other thing that randomly spawns untargetable NPCs that I can think of is the Haunted Memento. But that’s a ghost. No red or blue involved.
Yep, not the memento. Will keep taking a whack it it. Will post it when I see it.
Is it something like this?