Who is the moron who made the nzoth quest?

why? doing the quest as a group hunting fellow hordies is a blast

I guess I got lucky. I got the assassin buff after killing 10 horde, but never got bounty marked. I was able to fly around and cherry pick my targets.

I never got the bounty while doing the quest. I guess I was lucky.

congratulations on getting the toy at least im salty i got bounty and you didnt lol

The best part about it is you get the title on all of your alts, as well as the ability to use the toy. Unlike the Slayer title which requires you to earn it on each alt. Hell, I even faction changed my pally during 8.2 (before going back to Alliance). My Slayer of the Horde title didn’t transfer to Slayer of the Alliance, so I had to do it twice on my pally. Fortunately when I faction changed back to Alliance, my original Horde Slayer title was still there.

I got bounty like 6-7 times , and I got so mad that I refused to attempt the quest again.

I only learnt about the rezz work around recently so I may try the quest soon.

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It’s a fun quest. I rather it be locked behind a quest rather than locked behind a currency like how the Censor of Eternal Agony was, because I was able to get it day 1 of patch 8.3.

Even if you get a bounty, other Horde can’t see you as a bounty. The only players that’ll be able to see you as a bounty are Alliance players, and most shards you’re in, depending which zone you’re in, will be mainly Horde dominated and won’t be many Alliance in it.

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I always feel a twinge of guilt when I accidentally kill a fellow horde member after they’ve flagged themselves with the item… oops :sweat_smile:

I feel like people use the item without knowing what it does quite often.

I remember once a few weeks ago logged into my ret alt, and I dunno I suddenly felt like I was going to get attacked. And sure enough I wake of ashes out of stealth this 470 rogue who I opened up and he ran away and clicked off the buff.

After that the hate tells and duel offers came in as I guess he was an arena hero that felt like he wanted some payback. (Despite my paladin being 450ish) Was hilarious to see how triggered he was :slight_smile:


I didn’t attack them did I? Cause they’re actually contributing to the discussion, I’m learning on how they did it, how they bypassed the bounty (the very thing that stops me from getting it) rather than parroting vague, useless and corporate talk he always spews in his posts, I’ve seen this guy before, it’s literally all he does.

Nah, Floyin isn’t a Blizzard shill by any means. Just doesn’t hesitate to call people out that make QQ posts. Which truthfully,describes your OP.

You didn’t come to the forums asking “does anyone have tips for completing the quest”? You came in hot with the kicking and screaming like a baby, and that usually results in snark replies. Hell, I’m usually one of those blasting these types of posts with a salt cannon.

Nah, Floyin isn’t a Blizzard shill by any means. Just doesn’t hesitate to call people out that make QQ posts. Which truthfully,describes your OP.

You didn’t come to the forums asking “does anyone have tips for completing the quest”? You came in hot with the kicking and screaming like a baby, and that usually results in snarky replies. Hell, I’m usually one of those blasting these types of posts with a salt cannon.

I can put up a post however I want. I can call anyone a shill whenever I want, it’s clearly my opinion which is oblivious to you, I’ve seen him around before he is extremely intellectually lazy in his vague replies. Its sooooo ez to be the contrarian on the internet. Imagine not allowing people to vent in their posts. Yikes.

Imagine not being a whiny, entitled brat on the internet because you’re too bad at a video game to complete an easy quest. Yikes.


Entitled because i said a quest is bad? you must have pimply skin. Imagine being a shill so hard and defending a quest where the majority use cheese tactics to achieve. There is zero skill involved when you’re cheesing, unlike you I tried to do it the right way. I get it, this is the only game you think you’re good at. Hence why you hide your profile like a lil B.

Customers have a right to criticize a mechanic or gameplay, having the instant kneejerk reaction of saying someone is bad is just being mentally lazy, for what I did in a month there is no way I am a bad player, not the best but I’m not bad.

Poor baby can’t get his quest done because he’s terrible at pvp? Straight to the forums we must go! :rofl:


so is he terrible because he didn’t join a group?
is he terrible because he got a bounty because he’s insanely unlucky just like me?
you didn’t get a bounty
and i’m 100% sure if you did during the one time you got the quest
you would’ve failed too

I just posted how to not get a bounty … enjoy

Nah, he’s just a whiny turd who insults everyone who doesn’t agree with him. When you lash out at everyone in your thread, expect some return fire.

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Either make more friends or accept that doing it solo is going to be inherently more difficult than doing it with a few friends. Same goes for most content in this game.

Since you’ve already set a passive-aggressive tone towards everyone who’s disagreed with you in this thread, I’ll do the same.

It isn’t luck, it’s the fact that you’re trying to do this quest solo (still possible, albeit harder), with no external tools to help you survive (even harder), with almost no relevant PvP XP, terrible stat weights for PvP, bad essences for PvP, bad corruption for PvP, and bad honor talents. I’d also reckon you’re doing alot of things wrong in your WPvP encounters.

Subjective. You’re entitled to your opinion, but just because you’re having a hard time completing it (hint: it’s meant to be harder than a world quest) doesn’t mean it’s poorly designed. There are countless players who have completed the quest since 8.3, what’s stopping you besides this victim mentality?

Are you confusing stat weights with the source from which you acquire the gear? PvP and PvE gear have no difference now. In fact most arena players wear mostly PvE gear because it’s easier to farm the proper stat weights. Example, you have 3% versatility and no roar of sacrifice or survival tactics. You are going to die instantly to anyone with half a brain in a 1v1, let alone when more than 1 person jumps you.

But that’s exactly what I did when I had the quest lol. Pick up like 25 pods and make a cancelaura macro so you can also use it as a spammable heal.

If you’re so worried about the bounty there’s that cave in Nazjatar that phases you so others can’t claim the bounty. I helped one of my buddies complete the quest there using this strategy.

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