Who is the current lead pvp designer in WoW?

Is it still Swolinka? :open_mouth: And if so why does he never post on these forums?

Brian’s lead combat dev now iirc. Not PvP.

I think the closest we have is Chris for Pvp dev type person. but I don’t think that’s officially his job, he’s just the guy who said PvP scaling magic :chart_with_upwards_trend:

that guy sucks


Only dev I see comment is Ion, the rest are just CMs.

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Who? Does he have a twitter? I have some ideas that I want to pitch to him. :innocent:


that’s what i got from googling him. duno

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Yeah that’s him.

Is it mop 2nd wind?


You dont have any ideas you just want second wind to be op to carry you even tho warriors kit is pretty nuts right now


Did you just say dozer has pretty nuts?


Nah Chris is not pvp designer, he’s pvp content designer so he makes BGs and stuff, he’s probably the one that made brawl with the different modes, also the new arena map.

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Lmao definitely not :joy:

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Y’all think pvp develops via blizzard when its really “organic” crabgrass in a PvE garden

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Nah. I have other ideas. But I mean, if they give us back mop season1 second wind i’ll be aight with it I suppose. :wink: :kissing_closed_eyes: :yum: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I doubt they even have this position, but if they do, whoever holds it should be canned.


Well he also did the DK PvP talent re-design in BfA. I think they just assign different tasks to them sometimes.

Makes sense, that’s how small companies operate

People still believe there is 1 pvp dev? Come on



beat kinda go hard

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I think it’s abomb