Who is the best windrunner sister?

They all suck. Bunch of whiney narcissists who only make things worse for the people around them.


Iā€™m going with Windrunner.

It sounds moreā€¦active and alive, exhilarating!


Whomever can run the fastest, duh!


Whichever one is a Pandarenā€¦

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this is no topic for panda fatties.

Someoneā€™s jealous the ā€œfattiesā€ donā€™t have to maintain anorexia to be adorableā€¦


Little is known about the forgotten one Karen Windrunner :crazy_face:


you dare insult my waifu?

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Yes, and I do it from your own city no lessā€¦ sees Sunwell ā€œAlso Iā€™m taking a bubble bath in this thingā€¦ā€

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None of them, give me any of those big buff Tauren ladies or Highmountain Tauren ladies and I will be a happy Elf.


second this, theyā€™re elves and elves suck

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The 4th, unknown Windrunner-

Lirath Windrunner, the youngest brother.

He died (to the scourge) and is arguably the reason Sylvanas went revenge-insane and went after Arthas, eventually losing and becoming the character we all know today.

I wish we got a lot more information on Lirath Windrunner, I feel like heā€™d be an interesting character.

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Her lesser known sister, Wendy Windrunner.

They donā€™t talk about her.


Fully agree here, give me a big bouncy Panda lady any day and I will die a happy Elf.


Thats Bruno Windrunner.


I find the three Windrunner sisters to have been written rather horribly.

But out of the three, I find Alleria to be the most appealing one. She may be a void elf, but as far as I am aware, her character is actually consistent, and it is not the type of character that I necessarily hate. She also still keeps something very High Elven about her, a ruthless, the end justifies the means, type of attitude. She is not evil though.

Sylvanas was somewhat cool, though I never really fanboyed over her ever. She is several steps below in appeal than Alleria, just not a character I have ever enjoyed. And I started disliking her even more after new writers got their hands on her, and she became a mess of a character. They did not know what to do with her, and it shows.

Vereesa Windrunner is absolut trash. She was created as an elf goodiebag for a character that was a self-insert: Rhonin. It is absolutely clear that no one knows what the hell Vereesa is supposed to be. She switches moods, opinions, thoughts, and what do I know more than a confused, hangry teenage girl on her first period. In one moment she shows respect for the Blood Elves and their overall mindset, going as far as to tell her maniacal cousin off and telling him how the Blood Elves would never accept him, because he laughed about the fall of the High Elves, which would likely get him killed on the spot by the Blood Elves - the entire race name is a memoir of their fallen people, it is to honor and remember those who died when the scourge invaded. The next moment she likens the Blood Elves to rats. Then a third moment she hopes for them to come back to the light, for the Blood Elves to redeem themselves by rejoining the Alliance - forgetting that the Alliance themselves drove the Blood Elves into the Horde, and her own Covenant and the acts of Jaina Proudmoore equally helped driving the Blood Elves away from the Allianceā€¦ again.

Vereesa Windrunner is the trashiest, and her group of Silver Covenant belongs in the same garbage can, and the fact that some people do not realise this makes them just as bad as the writer who wrote Vereesa as nothing more but an object to be gained by the human man.

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I mean just in terms of both popularity and notoriety itā€™s sylvanas.

Vereesa is the least unhinged and the least popular, interestingly enough.

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Everyone saying otherwise is wrong.


There is a secret 4th sister. Her momma sent her away when she was 14 for some unknown reason.
She was raised by a gnome family and is quite cute. She has pink hair with a friendly smile.
Shes really shy though and stays underground in her bunker.
Her name is Samantha and shes very fun to be around.

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1995-2001 Alleria Windrunner
2001-2010 Sylvanas Windrunner
2010-2017 Veresa Windrunner
2017-2019 Alleria Windrunner
2019-Curreent Rey Sky- Windwalkerā€¦ Runner. Oh who the hell cares anymore? This story got stupid.