You mean wife cause they’re all my wives. And I don’t really rate any better than the rest. Just go 1, 2, 3 based on age.
ALLERIA IS MY WIFE! hands off her!
Dw Bread, I added you too. And Sylvanas, they’re all mine. And Tyrande’s dotter. Rubs nose Am I missing any other hotties? I guess, Jaiana because why not. Ofc, Sally Whitemane, Alextrasza, the green headed female chick dragon with the sad song. And a bunch of other NELF’s, BELF’s and Draenei’s that I don’t remember the names of. But are HAWTER than Ragnaros’s feets.
me and alleria are forever.
it looks like alleria just found my pic on one of those pages.
It does say Human edition, but nice try Bread…
alleria is clearly has that look on her face like “OH THERE’S BREAD”.
Yeah, like to make a tasty sandwich
yeah a windrunner sandwich.
Vereesa is the only one that hasn’t been character assassinated yet, so her.
I think the Night Warrior cosmetic option is bugged.
Yeah. Duh.
The High Elves and Gilneas both left the Alliance over the issue of the Orcish concentration camps.
As far as them joining the Horde, you have Tyrannde to blame for that btw. She’s literally the reason the BE’s joined the Horde (same for the Nightbourne).
But yeah Vereesa is best WR sister no question.
Windrunner is just a poor man’s Skywalker.
Alleria, she’s the funniest. I will not elaborate.
Vereesa. She’s pretty, the tallest Windrunner, and compassionate + stayed true to her identity as a High Elf
I dunno. Alleria by default?
Sylvanas going through a redemption phase.
Vereesa shouldnt even exist, and only was created to be a trophy wife for a self insert.
They are all race-traitors. At least Sylvanas had (emphasis on the past tense) enough loyalty to not abandon Silvermoon and even died defending it.
Alleria and Turalyon are the most nonsensical of characters. They spent 10,000 years in the Nether fighting all the different forces under the Burning Legion, saw the way they operate to twist and deceive beings in order to force them into serving them. They worked alongside beings that looked exactly like their Eredar enemies and even recruited a Dreadlord to fight alongside them. Then the first thing they do when they see an Orc or Undead is turn to immediate hostility. They better than anyone should know how circumstances can call for actions you never thought you would take. Then the moment Alleria hears that Sylvanas is Warchief of the Horde she gets mad.
Nobody ever even remembers Vereesa.