That would mean you are Rookie of the Year, but not yet an MVP….
at first i thought the list was dumb because u didnt mention butta for dev evoker but on second thought, there is so much stuff that is wrong with this list and it just shows how clueless u are and makes me feel like u haven’t even played 3s at a high level for at least 2 seasons, jimmybutler.
which is fine obviously its not to be taken too seriously its just ur opinion but makes me feel like i wasted too much time trying to actually have a discussion about it with u after looking at ur other opinions.
ww: somehow leaves out dorito who is rank 1 on multiple monks every season playing multiple comps.
pres evoker: leaves out sleepihead
mage: leaves out wealthyman and aeghis
dk: leaves out vigarista
mw: names feedgod who was only really active for one season because of fistweaver
hpriest: leaves out cdew
boomkin: leaves out dipi
arms warrior: leaves out laros
dev evoker: leaves out trill who actually played devastation in tournaments and had insane winrate in solo shuffle
surv hunter: leaves out willy
disc priest: leaves out curney and gekz
also dont know why ur putting EU players on the list just because they have an NA alt.
guy was trying to say butta shouldn’t be on the list because he plays “gimmick comps” and then casually goes and names feedgod for mistweaver like he didn’t just play only fistweaver comps and only for one season to a rank 1 level.
he’s good dont get me wrong but its mad cringe to get so pressed because i said butta should get some more respect and then say that about feedgod is just mad hypocritical.
Feedgod got R1 with the worst spec in the game all is commended
You and butta were literally 2200 as ww dk
i thought numbing was the best arc mage
for Rsham, its definitely Dyllbar or Cdew
we were 2600 at the start of the season and top 70 on ladder as ww dk then we decided its not worth playing anymore when we could play draco cleave which was stronger and more fun to play, nice try tho.
also dont really see what me playing ww dk has to do with anything were talking about
is this a bit or is xeek actually this bad at expressing himself thru text
I wana know what mmarkers said before to juice. You don’t randomly say
you have no right to talk to me like this
without something being said beforehand
I didn’t say 1 word the entire match
No excuses for juice’s behavior just don’t believe mmarkers at all.
I don’t trust him since finding out about him in DF beta where he was making all those best preservation evoker guides. He went out of his way to get shadowlands covenants/soulbinds/conduits for free stats/shield procs and was hiding that he was using them in his guides and streams.
Most players on beta didn’t know shadowlands stuff was working because you had to go out of your way to quest and unlock everything.
I remember Fuse dueling me in Goldshire last xpac, craven being busted I scrape out a win and open my whisper window to about 30 messages, starting off with rage, then linking his titles, then various insults, capped off with linking his discord channel for carries.
Sterge and caprise are best rshams NA.
You literally have never played 3s at a high level at all. Like if you respeccd unholy you would unironically be stuck 1800
you are not capeable of playing any non fdk spec above percentile glad. Ur literally just an fdk cheese abusing loser.
wrong. again. i played unholy to top 115 on ladder on the last day of the season of eternal season, again u can ask petkick because i qd into him and he actually beat us for a change. and in cosmic season i was 2800 as unholy playing dk demo.
unholy isn’t hard at all and u know nothing about me, every assumption u have made about me is wrong. just stop talking negi winrate loser.
the season with like 200 total players?!
so in the season inflated to 3400 you managed to get 2800 playing the best comp in the game? Bravo champ.
point still stands
people like u are so cringe, in seasons with a big cutoff u guys say “its too easy to get r1”, in a season with a small cutoff “nobody played that season”. so whats it gonna be?
realistically, getting to #115 on ladder in a season where cutoff was 70-80 people is really not bad at all and its a lot closer to r1 than u ever got, ON MY ALT SPEC which u claim i couldnt play above 1800.
wrong. again. again.
i would have gotten a percentile glad in that season if the system was in place.
@Jimmybutler u are such a hater its crazy, u must be really unhappy in life and with urself with how much u try to downplay other peoples’ achievements in a video game.
especially coming from someone who hasn’t ever been r1. why should i care about ur opinion when u cant even succeed in ur own journey lol.

u are such a hater
Yeah you literally are an fdk devo one trick with an ego because you got your first rank one playing the best ladder comp in the game that even an actual 0 time gladiator perma duelist got rank one with. Of course people will hate on you. Maybe if you would be humble and acknowledge that you got carried by your comp people would actually like you!

in a season where cutoff was 70-80 people
It was wayyyyyyy less than that in eternal. Also you didn’t play unholy in that season. You swapped to it as a last ditch desperation attempt to get rank one and failed. Why did you fail? Because you weren’t abusing frost dk cheese. Only way you can win.

especially coming from someone who hasn’t ever been r1
Why are you trying to talk down to me like you just earned your 10th rank one LMFAOO

Yeah you literally are an fdk devo one trick with an ego because you got your first rank one playing the best ladder comp in the game
but i got rank 1 as TSG as well? LOL clueless monkey just speaking nonsense now.

It was wayyyyyyy less than that in eternal. Also you didn’t play unholy in that season. You swapped to it as a last ditch desperation attempt to get rank one and failed.
it was not way less than that. and i actually had a much easier time pushing unholy that day than i did as frost thats why i went up 200 points and almost got r1, and tbh i think if i had more than just 1 day to practice the comp i probably would have gotten r1 that season.

clueless monkey just speaking nonsense
The only clueless monkey is you trying to bring up your 11am tsg sniper queues on the last day of the season vs rshams and jungles LMAOO
Never respec out of frost or you won’t be able to compete at any relevant level.