Who is the best pirate mog race

And why is it male tauren?


Because no other race makes the typical pirate hat look so small.

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Undead. An undead pirate ship is just…perfect.


Goblins are, of course. They have the attitude for it!

Kul’tirans obviously. My mog is bis :wink:

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Kul’Tiran death knight.

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Vulpera, enough said.

Dark Iron Dwarf is the best race for real pirate-y mogs. (it’s the beards)

Kul Tiran for WoW pirates.

Because of Mr Smite

“We’re under attack! A vast, ye swabs! Repel the invaders!”

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Cow pirates are the best pirates.

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Because they’re buff :muscle:

Aside from them however, I’d say female humans seem agile & rock the style enough to fit the role well :slight_smile: Then I’d say female Pandaren, male Dwarf (With the Wildhammer tattoos) and then potentially Zandalari & Kul’Tiran …

As for non-playable races :thinking: Hmm … Seeing Furbolg, Ethereal & perhaps some Drakkari & Forest troll pirates roaming about here & there would be cool.

— Blizz could probably twist the concept with the troll pirates, making it seem like the players were captured by troll-pirates then have a reveal when we’re released to be inside the Sunken Temple; having to escape & free those who’re meant to be used akin to us - As sacrifices to Hakkar.