And why is it male tauren?
Because no other race makes the typical pirate hat look so small.
Undead. An undead pirate ship is just…perfect.
Goblins are, of course. They have the attitude for it!
Kul’tirans obviously. My mog is bis
Kul’Tiran death knight.
Vulpera, enough said.
Dark Iron Dwarf is the best race for real pirate-y mogs. (it’s the beards)
Kul Tiran for WoW pirates.
Because they’re buff
Aside from them however, I’d say female humans seem agile & rock the style enough to fit the role well Then I’d say female Pandaren, male Dwarf (With the Wildhammer tattoos) and then potentially Zandalari & Kul’Tiran …
As for non-playable races Hmm … Seeing Furbolg, Ethereal & perhaps some Drakkari & Forest troll pirates roaming about here & there would be cool.
— Blizz could probably twist the concept with the troll pirates, making it seem like the players were captured by troll-pirates then have a reveal when we’re released to be inside the Sunken Temple; having to escape & free those who’re meant to be used akin to us - As sacrifices to Hakkar.