Who is normal raiding for anymore?

The raiding this expansion was done on advice by sweaties that live breathe difficult game content. I left that nonsense to them and apparently so have many others. All the folks I used to raid with moved on to other games but we still chat on discord. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot listening to the wrong feedback.

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A little late to the party, but I feel you. I’ve always enjoyed raiding and I’m content with AOTC on heroic. I might dabble in mythic if burnout doesn’t get me.

Having said that, this tier has felt more difficult. I have died way more often to silly one-shot mechanics. I have felt more pressured to do M+ content, chase the best covenant, use the best soulbinds and pray for the best conduits to drop.

It’s just not fun any more.


They are trying to stretch the raids shelf life is why they messed it up. You will never extend the raid for world first players. This is killing the scene by trying to make RWF last a month. No one wants that and as we see it is killing normal people that want to be with friends and kill bosses.


Completely agree with this…creating content for 0.1% of the communnity wont make it interesting for the other 99.9%.

Also I think they should call the LFR version “Story mode” and set the difficulty thereafter. A version whithout tier pieces or the very special items from last couple of bosses…remove the insta kill/wipe mechanics and focus on the story/lore, so more people actually try them out.

Also restrict addons, so they can actually control the difficulty level better.