Who is in charge of mage rn?

Chronoshift, missiles and arcane familiar are either missing, nerfed or visually a step backwards. These were some of my favorite things about Arcane. Dark times.


Ooh, hard disagree on the Arcane Familiar, I hated that blob of arcane magic, the little raven is way better even if the blob is still there, just kinda hidden inside.


I love spheres which was the last one so I was fine with it. I also love birds though so this new ones just as up my alley.

Agree about chronoshift but disagree about the other two. CS should’ve definitely stayed assessable for all content and I main pvp myself. I feel like just it by itself doesn’t warrant a whole pvp talent. I can see why they did that though.

I love have the new Arachne mussels look but I think this is when they should be leaning into the glyph system. To allow players options.

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My only issue with the Arcane Familiar is how it sometimes despawns when teleporting or entering an instance. I miss Chronoshift, but I did pick up Slow to help. I’m getting used to Arcane Missiles being proc only.

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