Who is excited to get the covid vaccine?

You mean like how Gateway Pundit cherry picked him misspeaking and left out him later correcting himself in the same press conference?

Right wing media is lying to you because they think they can turn a common sense fight against a disease into a political culture war to gain power.


On July 25, while providing an update on COVID-19 cases in New South Wales, Dr McAnulty initially said: “All but one are vaccinated. One person had just received one dose of vaccine.” (video mark 8min 49sec)

He later corrected his initial statement in the press conference when asked by a journalist for clarification, saying: “I think I misspoke before.” (video mark 36min 9sec)

“So of the 43 people in intensive care units, 42 have not been vaccinated. One person had just one dose of vaccine – incomplete vaccine,” Dr McAnulty said.

should start at the point, but if not, you want to look at 33:50 for the correction (the statement the biased pundit clipped out is around 6:45 if you want to confirm it’s the same press conference.)

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Ah yes, he “misspoke”

I put the video there right where he says that. I mean, I know I’ve thought too hard about an answer in a class and ended up using the wrong word.

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It’s a pretty serious “misspeak” Not the first time it’s happened… just people leaking the truth, then being told to redact.

It’s better than blatant lying about something that is killing people like you’re doing.

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Guess we’ll see how you’re doing in a couple years.

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Not deluding myself into thinking I’m cleverer than everyone else and getting duped out in the open by people who don’t care if you live or die as long as you get them more power.

Okay, we’ll see who stands where in a couple years.

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I’m not worried, I wish you’d be a bit more concerned about yourself and other, but some people just can’t be helped. Would be nice if you’d stop recruiting people to take down with you.

I’ve worked in the hospital during all of this, in direct care of patients with covid. Yes, some had a bad flu. Others rested and went home. The majority of those who died (god bless their souls) were majority elderly in nursing homes and those with bad underlying conditions. And some who didn’t actually die directly from covid, but marked down as such.

In the St. Louis area, more than 90% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have not been vaccinated, said Dr. Alex Garza, a hospital administrator who directs a metropolitan-area task force on the outbreak.

“The majority of them express some regret for not being vaccinated,” Garza said. “That’s a pretty common refrain that we’re hearing from patients with COVID.”

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Do you work in a hospital? Think I asked this before. You should really call hospitals and find out the real deal.

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I’m going to trust the vast majority of doctors, hospital staff, and other medical experts who are pretty solidly united behind the message that the disease is the threat and the vaccine is the best preventative measure we have. All the medical professionals that I’ve dealt with in this time are all for the vaccine, so I’m pretty comfortable that they know what they’re talking about.

Like I said, we’ll see in a couple years where we both stand.

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All the American news outlets are not to be trusted at all, it’s another Fukushima situation where the Japanese did not know about the reactor accident in the beginning.

I’m really worried for you American because your news culture is indeed financed by the pharma industry and it is all about power.

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Which is why they’re pushing a vaccine that for the vast majority of people prevents strong cases instead of letting it run rampant and hit a lot of people with long term disabilities that may require life long care and medications, for the profits.

Yep and people buy into it sadly. But we are the 7th most vaccinated country so not the most stupid at least.

Summing the immunization rates (~56%) and infection rates (>21%, older stats) and assuming no bias each event would need to provide 90% immunity to give 70% immunity of the population. Herd immunity would be characterized by reducing infection rates but since we’re seeing spikes it would suggest one of those statements is incorrect. Here are the stated vaccine efficiencies.

I took the shot despite my concerns. In the end it was a social not a scientific decision.

https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/ I don’t really see why we need a mask mandate.

Ignoring your totally ridiculous insistence that Fox News, CNN, OANN, and MSNBC are all “financed by the pharma industry “, I do read several news sources every day, are BBC and Aljazeera also controlled by your mythical evil cabal?

Find a better hobby, you aren’t really that good at trolling.