Who is excited to get the covid vaccine?

You know, a good place to start would be to go onto Rumble and look up Scotty Mar10. He does some really good videos to some great music.

I already have vaccine but if I am forced to wear a mask because other American doesn’t wanna take the vaccine then next time I not going to bother getting the vaccine because what’s the point? Get the vaccine and still wear a mask F that.

We were told 15 days to slow the spread, then it turn into months, and a year. When BLM riot happen we were told that if you protest about police brutality you will be immune to the virus. People can make their own choices if you don’t wanna wear mask they have right to do so but will reap the consequences. but those who are vaccinated should able live their normal life. Its spreading yes but hospital are not being overwhelm and deaths rate are also low. Right now Biden Administration is looking to bring back mask mandate for even for the ones who are fully vaccinated. If they done that, more people are just not going get vaccinated because again “why bother?” If they do another lockdown, it won’t end well for Biden Administration and Democrat party probably riots will be much worse then BLM or Jan 6th.

We might have to deal with another lockdown because Illegal immigrants are coming to America and they’re not being vaccinated and being flown into different states. Authoritarian is on rise here, after all “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste.”

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Fauci is already saying the CDC is under serious consideration of going back to masks for all, vaccinated or not. Some day people will learn.

NEW: Fauci says CDC recommending that fully vaccinated Americans wear masks in public is "under active consideration’’

I can’t believe people are this stupid believing what Fauci or CDC is saying. its nothing more than a power grab.


That statement is a bit fanciful, nobody ever said that. The protesters for the most part were wearing masks, the rioters were criminals who, by definition, don’t follow rules.

There never was a federal mask mandate under either administration that applied to anyone other than “on-duty or on-site Federal employees, on-site Federal contractors, and other individuals in Federal buildings and on Federal lands”. The federal government is an employer, and just like every other employer gets to tell their employees what to do. CDC guidelines were issued by both administrations and some states chose to follow them to one extent or another. The federal government has, however mandated masks on airplanes if that’s what you mean.

And yes, now that hospital admissions and deaths are going up again the CDC will issue guidance that my state will likely follow, and it will piss off a lot of people.

More because of all the people who have ignored all of the advice than because of immigrants. We have a generation who think that only they matter and any minor inconvenience for the sake of others is an abomination. This applies to the left and the right wing whining brats equally.

If WWII had happened with this generation we would have lost.

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I’m sure that totally happened and isnt another conservative fever dream.

I found a lot of poorly edited videos set to cringe music with weird titles. What am I supposed to be seeing here?

Can you just answer my question? Where do you see this ending? What do you think the end result is going to be?

No, Trump told you that. People who knew what they were talking about said this was going to be a months if not years long event if people like you didnt take it seriously. And wow, look at that, you didnt take it seriously and here we are a year and a half later.

Literally no one said this.

This is so ignorant. I have three family members who are doctors and nurses and they’ve been getting run ragged with the sheer number of people being hospitalized for Covid.

The US has one of the highest Covid death rates in the world.

A power grab for who? The lockdowns started under Trump. Fauci and the CDC were saying to get vaccinated and wear a mask under Trump. You’re acting like Democrats are somehow trying to seize control of government, when they already control the Oval Office, Senate, and House.

You people are literally just screaming random conspiracy nonsense without even thinking beyond the tip of your nose. I guarantee you no one in this thread who has been complaining about Fauci or the vaccine has a medical degree.

It’s right on raffenspergers Twitter.

Ok, cool, a guy said a thing without evidence. Sounds like all the other election fraud nonsense. I’m sure it’ll go somewhere, just like every other baseless accusation did.

But can you answer my question? Where do you see this ending? What do you think the end result is going to be?

Both parties have participated in accusations of voter fraud, Gore was trying to claim the ballots were unfair (I was living in Miami at the time) and Hillary was and I think still is claiming Russian collusion. My personal opinion is it should be investigated but I’m so shell shocked by media that when someone advertises it I’m less likely to believe them.

I think fraud is something that should be heavily prosecuted, if discovered, as it hits at the heart of democracy when they try to take away our right to vote but I worry it has become trendy to claim the other side cheated for political purposes.

Like I said, time will tell. But don’t you think if fraud is revealed, there should be punishments?

Time will tell, but so far there’s been no credible evidence either of fraud or that Trump won.

You know what? I’m gonna go the conservative route on this one.

Biden didnt cheat. But if he did, I’m glad he did. He shouldnt be punished for it. After all, he was just Saving America™. He shouldnt be punished. Instead, everyone who opposed him in his blatantly illegal acts should be jailed because they were probably taking rides to Epstein’s island or something. They might even have been Kenyan. Or worse, Muslim.

Biden just did what he had to do to save us from the Deep State™. We all know Biden is a God-fearing man (No but seriously he actually is) and so obviously everyone opposing him is a Satanist or something equally vague and sinister-sounding.

I think Biden should be president for life. And then Hunter Biden should be President after him. And if Biden loses the next election, we should scream that it was rigged (without evidence, very important) and attack the Capital Building in a frenzied mob, only to see absolutely nobody who was responsible actually go to jail for it.

Haha you’re a funny one!

OK /sigh

Some news outlet, I think it was The Georgia Star could be wrong on that, did a FoA for a bunch of election records from Fulton County, the email they received in response was missing 385 absentee ballot transfer forms from 38 drop boxes, these would have listed 19,000 ballots.

Brad Raffensperger the Republican Secretary of State is facing a primary challenge from election denier Jody Hice who has an endorsement from Trump because Trump is still mad at Raffensperger for not supporting his accusations during the election, so Raffensperger quickly announced an investigation in the county’s actions to cover his butt.

Raffensperger’s normal oversite had only found problems in Coffee, Grady and Taylor counties, none in Fulton County so he was not amused about this mess.

Eventually Fulton County elections staff located all but eight of the more than 1,500 forms and sent them to state investigators.

The forms in question are in relation to the requirement that drop boxes have 24/7 video surveillance and transfer forms filled out by a two-person collection team (one from each party) listing how many were retrieved each day. All boxes had the video surveillance but the volunteers who did the pickup and/or recorded the forms were sloppy.

These forms don’t actually impact votes counted; every ballot that is returned is tied to a voter, matched with an application for a ballot, and authenticated by poll workers before counting.

But it is a perfect “lets make a meme” moment and it was, and still is, being used to fan the flames.

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Worse mistake is elected a houseplant into the white house.

I was driving through Southern Georgia before the 2000 election. I was tired of my CD collection and decided to see what was on the radio, a scan only returned 1 station and it was talk radio. I was curious what they listened to on the only broadcast so I listened and immersed myself in the local culture.

Caller is on the phone, he says something along the lines of “I hear what you’re saying that if I vote for Gore I’ll go to Hell but I consider myself a good Christian and I plan to vote for Gore”
DJ: “Well you’re going to Hell if you vote for Gore. Gore supports abortion which is the murder of unborn babies. If you vote for him you’re voting to murder babies and you’ll go to Hell”.

Biden doesnt have dementia, but I wouldnt expect someone who thinks Trump is a stable genius to believe otherwise. At the absolute bare minimum, at least we know what Biden’s taxes look like.

Thanks, I think the conservative mindset is pretty laughable too.

Yeah, I believe it. Weird how every self-described Christian in the Republican party has decided that abortion is their one and only line in the sand but literally everything else is fair game as far as corruption and greed go.

The fact that the Alabama election between Roy Moore and Doug Jones was even close at all shows how absolutely ridiculous the conservative mindset has become. On the one hand, we have a Democrat who was a critical player in prosecuting violent hate groups. On the other hand, we have a wannabe cowboy who has been banned from the local mall for chasing teenage girls. Better vote Republican, he’ll save the children! :roll_eyes:

Some of the posts in this thread are proof positive that the world has lost it’s mind. It’s like a bad SciFi movie.

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He definitely has something. Can’t even form a sentence.

You do realize that Biden has had a speech impediment from childhood?

Trump also had a lot of trouble when he wasn’t reading.
They both like to go off the cuff and neither is good at it.


Said today his butts been wiped. That’s not a speech impediment.