Who I can personally thank for these Warthin sets?

I do that sometimes :smiley:

GASP You wouldn’t dare!

Kent, stop this traitor and I’ll give you a raise!

“people” arent, though.

Its just 1 or 2 persons.

not trying to make it a thing. i just prefer to call it that way. but can we just admire the warthin sets, pls?

Sorry Bread, this isn’t personal.

sics cloud serpents on Bread

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No, because you are unable to participate without trolling.


come at me brah.

ill demolish those serpents.


tbh they really should give a pass to the barbershop colors so they actually match the flight color schemes.

Even the pieces from the flight-colored dracthyr armors work not so great with the barber options.


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Then ignore my threads. Hope that helps.

2 persons are people and I don’t really care about what other people use but I know I’m not the only person using warthin. It’s not my problem if people use or not using it.

If you say this word three times in front of a mirror, Ronald McDonald will appear behind you and turn you into a cheeseburger! :scream:


A fate worse than death.

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I mean I would do him. He is kinda cute. Would leave his make up stain all over me. 10/10 but I digress we are straying away from the topic.

I thought it summoned Beetlejuice?? My whole life is a lie.

o I agree with this wholeheartedly. It would be amazing if either Blizz adds more coloration combos for Dracthyrs or just add more Dracthyr coloration on to all of the available armor sets because we might be able to play as Dracthyrs for other classes in the future.

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Cries in Mechagnome.

Yup, Dracthyr and Mechagnomes got the short end of the stick.

This might actually make me roll a Dracthyr.

Mechagnome was a mistake. Blizz should had made them full on robots.

to stay on the topic, they are ok, not a fan of the hunter’s one but I can see why people love it.


I don’t think that name will prevail.

The sets are awesome, though.

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the sets look fantastic smh.