Who here raids with a “meme spec”?

Here are my guild’s BWL logs from last week:

classic.warcraftlogs. com/reports/VtzmHyxD7qQ3bahr

The debate on meme specs seems to follow the assumption that you can not have raid team performance while having sub-optimal specs in on the team. I reject that assumption based off these logs I posted - Overall we cleared BWL in 1 hours and 10 minutes- which puts us in the 95th percentile bracket for speed. You can have performance and allow for some off-meta choices, but the prerequisite for that is to have both a team that is fun to play with and good enough to make it work.

If you look at our Overall damage, we got some sweaty min-max’ing parsers (there’s a lot of orange and pink on that rankings tab)

On our roster there is:

-A ret pally who has Hand of Rag, onslaught Girdle, band of applied force and who got our first BRE from MC like week 1
-A spelladin who we let go spelladin to compete with ret pally for the lulz, he got funneled pally t2 gear this night
-a kitty dps who we let go feral because healing most of BWL with more than 8 healers is actually boring.
-a bear tank who tanked vael and is the favored target of our healers because we like the pointless parsing numbers and its really hard to over heal with a fat max ranked greater heal when your tank has 8k hp
-a sPriest, who has Claw of Chrom, ToEP, Firemaw’s Clutch and a Band of Dark Dominion

To further add to the apparent toxicity of our guild, We Loot Council everything. And our Loot Council is actually just a Loot Dictator (our raid lead).

So, Meme Specs + 1-man Loot Council + Parse Culture + Try Hard Sweaty Clear times? If you only read forums, you would think we’re the worse guild ever.
What you don’t see from logs is how much fun we have together. Our raid team is awesome and the 40 people we have in wouldn’t want to play this game any other way. We do more than just raid together - catch us on Kracken Friday where we drink ourselves stupid, do 5 man dungeon races, help farm Truestrikes for the alts, go pug stomping in WSG or debate philosophy late into the morning (Seriously, some of the most fun you can have online). Just about every night, you are going to find someone on doing something because we love this game. That is why we can have those players play what they want to, because we have simple fun doing so and we have the performance to allow it.

Incidentally, < House > on Incendian is always recruiting both for the raid team and just to have more people to enjoy this game with: You can find our post here: <House> | Horde | Loot Council | KROMCRUSH | TBC Recruiting