Who here doesn't raid?

I love 5 man dungeons because theyre fast enough that I can get a variety thru a day. 5 man runs seem like a little bit of teamwork is more necessary.
Raids feel like a mob riot to me. I dont enjoy them at all

I don’t raid or do anything.
I stopped because my guild became toxic so I just stopped.

I used to enjoy raiding as I like a team effort. M+ was not my favorite though I might have liked them if I had good guildmates.

Used to raid. Buuuuuut I stopped once my chronic pain started. It’s a little hard to keep schedules when you don’t know when you’re gonna be goofy out of your mind on painkillers. Or sleeping erratically because of said painkillers.

LFR is fine when I want so whatev

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I don’t do either. I have never even had a mythic keystone. If I had an active friends list or guild, I might do both on occasion.

I finish the current raid once in LFR, and that’s good enough for me!

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I do casual content and touch neither M+ or raids! Now, I think I have the skill to do these things but they make me anxious.

The reason being that the pressure is on me to not mess up ever or everyone else will have wasted time or wasted keys and get very angry.

If the endgame was more forgiving of failure I would do it. I have the skill but not the initial experience. Skill is one thing, but a person still has to learn. And I tend to be guildless most of the time so that’s out.

Solo player, unless Blizz links a group activity to go to the next step. Raids and dungeons years ago but others were so mean it wasn’t fun.

Blizz let solo players be and stop forcing group activity.

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I keep bringing up GW2 but one thing I like about the open world there is the big events and world bosses.

If you want to join a group you go to the map and click on the raid leader’s icon. If you don’t you can follow them. Some maps have bosses where everyone in the zone drops what they’re doing to converge on the boss.

Despite being mostly what I consider a solo player, due to how GW2 works I spend a lot of time working with or near others. It’s solo but still social.

This is me, but I only dabble in casual M+ (say, up to around KSM for the mount) and don’t bother with the higher stuff

Last time I raided was 2009 or thereabouts

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Sitting in a boss room for hours dealing with people over loss of control loot that’s timegated ain’t it.

No one is proving any sort of feat of strength by punching through dealing with people over unspecial timegate loot drip. Make it a repeatable grind that isn’t waiting around for some weekly drop if you want it to have value.

I think you’re probably right.

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I don’t do either of them.

I’m not interested in a structured group experience, or performing up to the expectations of anyone but myself.


I haven’t raided or done mythic plus in a year. I’m calm now.

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That’s a whole other can of worms you just opened.


So I physically have to be there at the ENTERANCE to que?

That doesn’t make much sense when all other Dungeons aren’t as such.

Okay I’ll try and see if works for me.

Although I don’t think that info is actually written down anywhere unless I’m having a cognitive issue of some sort and it’s not registering?

My comprehension thought process sometimes can get real clunky and short circuit.

Anyways, Thanks a bunch for your help! :smiley:

I raid for Xmog and that’s just old content or LFR. I mostly stick to the WORLD of Warcraft.

I don’t do either. Just quests and the occasional dungeon.


What part of raiding was ever fun? The long wait to get everyone together? The long timesink learning how to work together to get it done? The obscene DP system created by elitists to suck the fun out of the game and isolate anyone that actually had a life?

THAT is what you miss? Glad its dying, should have happened when wrath hit when it was already ruining the game slowly pushing so many out. A game should never be centered on large raids focused on an RNG gear payout. Its one of the FEW things Guild Wars 2 got right. You can jump right into a mega event with 50+ people easily just by showing up, take part in something massive and everyone gets the same amount of random garbage. Focus = fun. Too bad the rest of the game is boring despite having better dragon riding.

Typically don’t do much raiding, haven’t done much for current content in years. Lots of other stuff to do.

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